Part 15

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When Kazuha heard what I said, he lowered his sword and stopped blocking. Seeing this Stain attacked him, only for Kazuha to raise his hand and charge a palm vortex in his hand, blocking the sword and breaking it. Seeing that his sword had broken, he jumped back, giving Kazuha the chance to attack with a new move. Arching wind slash. This attack sent a wind blade formed from his sword, and it could be used with any element if they practice using it. It was almost invisible, but you could still see the anemo wind coming off of it. Stain, however, was too focused on Kazuha to notice the almost silent attack sent at him. Once it hit him, I could see a slash going from his right shoulder to around the center of his stomach. Kazuha then walked up to Stain, who couldn't attack unless he wanted to bleed out, and knocked him out. We searched him and discovered numerous hidden blades on him.

I heard someone getting closer and soon saw Todoroki. "The nomu have been beaten, and civilians were evacuated safely." I saw Kazuha nod, and then he told Todoroki to help with Stain. I left and went to find Izuku. I found him about a block away, with Iida encased in ice. "So Iida want to tell me why you went after Stain?" He explained that he was trying to get revenge for his brother. I walked up to him and slapped him. Native and Izuku were both taken aback. "So you went after the guy who beat your brother in a fight. Do you think you're stronger than Tensei?" He didn't answer me; he just looked down. "You do know Manual won't be able to take interns because of this, right?" Iida was taken aback. "What do you mean he won't be able to take interns anymore?" I sighed. 'He really needs to think about what he does before he does it.'

"Because you ran off without permission, he won't be able to take interns any more; he will be able to take work-study students, though." That was when I started thinking. 'If I do get work-study students, who should I take?' I then heard the sound of wings flapping. 'Is Hawks nearby?' Before I could think any further, the winged nomu grabbed Native and flew away. I reacted fast and threw a hydro pole arm at the nomu's brain. Then I remembered that Endeavor did something similar with his flame spear thing.

So I ran using electro and jumped towards the nomu, grabbing the pole arm and ripping that nomu's brain off. As the nomu's body began to fall, I grabbed Native and attempted to recreate the platforms used by the Raiden Shogun using electro. It didn't work fully, but it did slow our fall to the point where we wouldn't die if we hit the ground. 'Who knew falling through an electro platform and onto the pavement would hurt.' I got up with Native, and we all started walking to the hospital. Iida and Native needed healing more then me and Izuku. The Hosu incident ended pretty much the same, minus Endeavor getting the credit for taking down Stain; that went to Kazuha. When we got back from Hosu, I found Eri sleeping on a couch in the break room, with Lumine sitting next to her. I smiled and brought Eri to one of the extra rooms while also waking up Lumine.

After putting Eri to bed, I went to the training room and found Izuku and Todoroki sparring. So far, it's only been hand-to-hand, but they soon started adding their visions, and in Todoroki's case, his quirk as well. Midoriya unleashed his Sub Zero Blizzard and froze half the gym while Todoroki launched a wave of fire at him. He blocked it by creating a wall of cryo in front of him, though a second after the fire was gone, the wall went away. Before they attacked again, I stopped them. "Alright, you two, that's enough." They stopped and looked at me. "You two need to rest. I can see the puddle of sweat on the ground under you two." They both nodded and went to get water. Midoriya then asked me a question I wasn't expecting. "So what was your first internship like? Did you fight any villains or was it mostly just training?" I thought about it. 'Well, my first internship wasn't that eventful, but...' "Well, I trained under a pro hero called Lady Nagant. She was kind of new to heroing, but she had more years of experience. She mostly taught me stealth and how to use a bow. She was surprisingly good at using one. But other than that, the other internships or work studies I did were pretty boring with low-ranked heroes."

"If she was such a good hero, then what happened to her?" Todoroki asked. "She was arrested for murdering another hero." Their eyes widened in surprise that a hero of all people would do such a thing. Todoroki wasn't as surprised, but he was still taken aback. "Not all heroes are good people, and not all heroes want to just save people. There will always be heroes who are just in it for the money and fame." They got silent after that. "Anyway, enough with the fake hero talk. What are you two doing training so late for anyway?" Midoriya answered. "Well, we couldn't sleep, so we decided to spar against each other to tire each other out." I sighed. "Well since you two are still up, I should tell you that you two will be patrolling with Aether and Lumine tomorrow. And after the patrol, we have something to go fight, and it's not something we can just ignore." They looked curious but didn't say anything. "Now you two head to bed. I will inform you what is going on tomorrow with some other pros."

The next day at our agency was the last day of the internships, and we called a meeting to deal with a group of ruin guards. When the sidekicks got here, I informed them about everything. "We will be facing a group of fifteen ruin guards that are getting too close to the city. Ruin guards take multiple people to beat if you are not a harbinger or are in the top 15." I saw them nod, so I continued. "Some of you will be focused on getting any civilians away from the fight, and once it's clear, you can join the battle. Hu Tao, along with Aether and Lumine, will take a group of five, while Kazuha and I take on three. Midoriya and Todoroki will first take on one of the ruin guards before assisting those in need. The rest of you form your squad of four; we will be leaving in ten minutes."

After that, I left the meeting room and ran into another harbinger. "It's surprising to see you around Inferno." When they heard that, they looked towards me. "Oh, hey, Tartaglia I was just stopping by to pick up some more gear before going back on patrol." I hummed in acknowledgement. "Do you think you can check on Chiller? He hasn't been in for a whole week and hasn't called at all." She thought about it but agreed. "Sure, though it is weird that he isn't here, he normally is here even when he isn't feeling well." "Thanks, but I have to go; I'll be fighting ruin guards soon." And after that, I left to prepare for the fight.

Reincarnated into MHA as Tartaglia. [Old]Where stories live. Discover now