Part 5

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And just like that, five months passed, and to my shock, there was only a pile of trash left on the beach. And after they finished, I saw them lay on the sand, tired but happy that they were done. I walked up and said, "You two finished a whole month earlier than I thought you would. Denki, you still have the book on how some of my attacks work and how to do them, correct?" He nodded his head and showed me the book. "Good. I want you to go practice the attacks for a few hours, and once we are done, we can go get something to eat as a celebration for you two cleaning the beach." He nodded his head and left to go practice a bit. I then looked at Izuku and told him some ideas for attacks.

"For the first move, I want you to try making a shield of ice, and once that's done, we can see how strong it is." While he did that, I went over to Denki to see how he was doing with the attacks. And I came to a halt when I saw him successfully perform Kamisato Art: Kyoka. "Denki, keep practicing that until you can do it in a few seconds." He looked over, nodded his head, and kept practicing. When I looked over toward Izuku, I noticed something similar to Layla's elemental skill, Nights of Formal Focus. I then thought about the USJ and Kamino Ward incidents and wondered if I would have to go all out.

After a few minutes, I heard somebody call my name, so turning around, I found Hu Tao, who was walking down the steps toward the beach. It has been about nine months since I last met up with everybody, and after catching up, and talking about the case of creatures showing up and attacking anybody they see, she wanted to meet the two I was training. So I called over Denki and Izuku and introduced them. "This is Denki Kaminari, my brother, and this is Izuku Midoriya, his best friend." Hu Tao then introduced herself, and then I got an idea and asked if she could help train them in using polearms; she agreed, and after that, for the next 5 months, they practiced their attacks and trained using polearms until the day of the exam.

Unlike in Canon, Nezu had me tell them about the robots, but just like in Canon, I got interrupted by Iida. "On the printout, you've listed four types of villains. Not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do." This caused me to let out an annoyed sigh. "You are Tenya Iida, correct?" "Yes, I am. Why does this matter right now?" I replied with, "Just because you are from a family of heroes does not mean you can interrupt somebody." After I said that, he sat down, probably embarrassed. "Now if you would let me finish the fourth and final robot is the Zero Pointer. I would recommend running away if you see it, as a lot of you wouldn't be able to even break a piece of it."

After that, I left toward the control room with the rest of the teachers in it. "Yo, I'm back!" Now it was time for the physical portion to start. And before Mic even started the countdown, both Denki and Izuku ran in, as well as a few others whom I recognized as Bakugo, Kendo, Tokoyami, and Ojiro. People were quickly gaining points after a few minutes, but I was focused on both Denki and Izuku.

Denki was cutting robots with his water blades and short-circuiting the robots with his quirk, while Izuku was freezing them, then smashing them with a metal pole he grabbed; both had 40 points already, and then Cementoss pressed the zero-pointer button, causing buildings to fall and causing somebody to get stuck under rubble, catching my attention. So I stood up and got ready to run towards the fake city if needed, until I saw Izuku running towards the zero-pointer and freezing its treads, before he ran back and picked up the girl, and after that the exam was finished.

I left to get Denki and Izuku, and I got noticed on the way, so I had to stop a few times. After picking them up, I started talking about training them to use a bow. So for the next week they practiced archery, and then their UA letters came in. Then another week passed and UA officially started, and on the second day I got to teach heroics with All Might.

I decided to walk in the classroom a couple minutes before All Might, and when I entered, the whole class went crazy. "Quiet down; today you will have indoor battle training, but first we have to wait on the person who will help me." And after I said that, the door opened, and All Might appeared. "You sure took your time, All Might." And before anyone could start yelling about having both the number 1 and the number 6 pro heroes teach them, I told them to grab their hero suits and head to ground beta.

After everyone got there, I noticed both Denki and Izuku had different costumes than in canon. Denki was wearing Scaramouche's outfit, and Izuku was wearing Chongyun's outfit. The teams were almost the same, with Denki swapping places with Uraraka.

Izuku POV:

When I learned I was on a team with Denki, I was happy because we both knew how to fight with each other as well as solo. "We both know Bakugo will come after me because he doesn't like that I hid my so called quirk, so go up and deal with Iida with your Electrification quirk and your Hydro vision. He should be easy just don't underestimate him." I said, to which he nodded in response, but asked if he should grab the bomb or wait until Bakugo is down.

"If I'm about to lose, I will tell you so you can grab the bomb, but let me take him down first. I am a good counter for him since with my ice, I can freeze the hallways, causing him to sweat less, which will make his explosions weak." Denki nodded after that, and then the round started. We both entered, and after a few minutes, we could hear Bakugo's explosions signaling Denki to stop. I pointed toward the hall further ahead on our right. Denki understood what I was trying to tell him, so he took the long way up; he would have to make his way to the left hallway, then make his way to the staircase that's on the right side of the building while I fight with Bakugo.

What should Izuku's hero name be?

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