~𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟾: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 R𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚍𝚒~

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It's been one week since I last spoke to Anakin, when he decided to bring up my past. The past, which included the death of My Master. 

He majorly overstepped the line

Even though I'm furious at him, I can't stop thinking about him. The way I felt, when he scooped me up into his arms, the way my body melted at the feelings of his touch. 

Why am I feeling this way?

Before I can delve deeper into my thoughts, there's a knock at my door, It seems urgent, as they appear to knock with weight and purpose.

'Come in, It's unlocked!' I shout, from the balcony, pulling myself up from the ground, where I was meditating.

Obi-Wan bursts into my room, making me jump back, as his expression is one of concern and worry. He looks like as if he hasn't slept, his skin is pale and dark circles frame his eyes, giving him an almost Sith look. 

'Obi-Wan?' I rush up to him, placing my hand on his shoulder, as my mind races with worry. 

'Obi-Wan, what's wrong?' My face now mirrors his ghostly, pale features, as my brain continues to fill with panic.

'Anakin, h-he disappeared two days ago, after training. For the entire session, he seemed distant, distracted. I tried to console in him, but he wouldn't have it' Obi-Wan turns to face me, the dark circles around his eyes drowning out all of his light, as he worries for his Padawan. 

I've never known Obi-Wan be so panicked, especially about Anakin. I mean, Anakin has a tendency to run away, so I'm not sure why he's so concerned, but a part of me also feels that concern and worry for him. 

'We were practicing duelling skills. He began to brawl and fight with anger, almost as if he had been possessed.' Obi-Wan pauses, shaking his head 'I'd never seen him so enraged' 

My eyes widen, as he tells me about Anakin's outburst 'Where is he now?' My voice firm, but reassuring.

'That's the thing. He was taken.' Obi pauses, now looking Irritated with his Padawan's reckless behaviour 'Captured by Pirates.'

My gaze fills with confusion, as my mouth drops open to speak, but no words come out.

'He was in the Tatoo system, I have a feeling he had gone to Tatooine' He pauses, his gaze now softening, 'For his Mother.' 

I don't like to question or poke at Anakin's past with himself or anyone else. I know it's a sensitive topic for him and even I can respect those boundaries.

'How do you know that Pirates have him?'

'We received a transmission, from the planet, Sriluur. They showed proof of Anakin's capture and demanded that we start negotiations for his safe return' Obi-Wan shakes his head again, clearly disappointed that Anakin ran off without telling anyone, which has led to this difficult situation 'Otherwise, they will hand him over to Count Dooku' Obi Wan groans, in frustration

I sigh deeply and roll my eyes, when I hear that the Pirates, who have captured Anakin, are from Sriluur. Obi-Wan hears my exhale and swivels his head to look at me, a confused expression on his face.

'Let me guess, the Pirate in charge was called Hondo?' 

Obi-Wan nods, when his brows begin to furrow in realisation and he folds his arms.

'This is the same Pirate who kidnapped you, as a youngling, isn't it?' Obi-Wan face palms, before bringing his head back up, then stroking his beard, his hands trembling with annoyance.

'Ahh, good old Hondo' I say sarcastically 'Good thing he built up a soft spot for me'

Obi-Wan scowls, his eyes darkening, as he looks back into mine.

'You're not going' 

I shrug my shoulders and scowl back at him 'What? I didn't say anything'  I whine, confusion rising in my voice, even though I know that was exactly what I was implying.

'I'm not Naive, Y/N' 

I groan, in annoyance, as his firm eyes track my movements, while I begin picking up my lightsaber and robes, now ignoring his presence.

'Y/N, didn't you hear me the first time? You are not to go, do you understand?' He demands. I can feel his eyes burning through the back of my head, but I shake it off, as I slick my hair back into a ponytail, readying myself to save Anakin's sorry arse. 

'I heard you loud and clear, Master. I'm just choosing to ignore you' I attach my belt to my robes, clipping my lightsaber base onto it. 

I lift my head up to face Obi-Wan and his piercing glare, while I give him an innocent smile.

''Look, I know Hondo. I can successfully negotiate with him, give him what he wants, free Anakin and get out of there before the end of the rotation' I examine Obi-Wan, as I await his response. His face remains stern and cold for a few more moments, before he suspires in defeat.

'Fine...but don't do anything-' But before he can finish, I cut him off.

'Great! Thanks Master. Don't worry, I'll bring the man child back safe and sound' I joke, before rushing out of the door and towards the hanger bay.

I can't wait to wipe that smug smile off of his face, when he sees that it's me coming for him, instead of Obi-Wan

I arrive at the hanger, my ship already prepared and ready to go.

Obi-Wan, rushes after me. I can sense that panic is infecting his body. 

'Y/N, the only reason I'm letting you go is because I already have an Important mission I must tend to.'  

'Look, Master. I won't let you down' I give him a comforting smile 'I'll bring him home, without a scratch'

I can almost see the weight of the world seemingly lift off of his shoulders, as he eases his gaze and returns a soft smile back at me.

'May the Force be with you, Y/N' He gives me an approving nod, before I grin back at him, overjoyed with his blessing.

I step onto the ship, the door closing behind me. There's no going back now.

I slip into the cockpit and sit myself down, as I begin firing up the controls. The ships whirs and whines, as It starts up. It begins roaring and I sigh deeply.

'He better thank me' I whisper to myself, as my ship now begins to steadily hum, awaiting my command to set off. 

With a low, throaty growl, the engines then blast the ship upwards, as I press down to set off and we soar off, toward the black abyss. 

I then set the ship for Sriluur, preparing to launch into hyperspace, as the engines continue to roar in anticipation. I finish setting the course and exhale one more time.

'I'm coming, Anakin' I whisper, before I push down the lever, to initiate the jump, as the hyperdrive murmurs, letting me know it's ready to go.

The stars around me begin to stretch and warp, as the sounds of my ship engine are soon drowned out by the empty depths of space, the ocean of flashing blue and white engulfing the ship and I. 




Hi guys! I'm sorry for the long wait, school has been so incredibly busy and stressful. I know that this chapter is a tad boring but it's purpose is to set up the next chapter if that makes sense? Anyway, I'm starting chapter 9 tonight, so HOPEFULLY, it should be out tomorrow night. Thank you for all the support and reads!

Also, this chapter obviously happens at the time Anakin goes to save his Mother and fails, if you hadn't guessed, which is to explain the image I've used. 

Hope you guys have a great weekend! 

-Bella x 

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