~𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿: 𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝙱𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜~

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I'm now approaching Sriluur and I prepare the ship to exit hyperspace. I swiftly lift up the lever and the engine makes a loud roar, as the stars come back into focus. The depths of endless space surround me once again and the planet of Sriluur comes into view. I'd never actually realised how dry and parched the planet is.

I begin landing the ship, the air rippling around it with heat, as the engines make a low hum. I feel it make contact with the sand and I secure it. I let out a huge sigh, as I see Pirates beginning to form around the ship, from the cockpit window. They all have weapons in their hands, blasters, daggers, pistols and 'surprisingly', they're all pointing them towards the door of the ship.

'Well this is a nice welcome' I say to myself sarcastically, as I get up from my seat, my body aching from being sat down for so long.

The ship door flies open and the heat wraps around my body, like a blanket. I cringe, as I see the around 30 pirates, staring menacingly at me, their weapons still drawn, as I cautiously make my way down the ramp. As I walk down, I begin drawing my hands up, behind my head, to show I'm not a threat...


'I'm just here to negotiate' I say calmly, keeping my hands behind my head, as I walk off of the ramp, onto the sand.

The pirates then erupt into chatter, rushing my way, grabbing my arms and hands from my head and putting them into a set of force suppressing cuffs.

'Hey, calm down' I snarl, as they tug and pull at me, as if I'm some sort of toy. One pirate then, unclips my lightsaber from my belt and puts it onto his, giving me a smug grin, as he does so.

I'm then hauled into their base, five pirates keeping a strong hold of me, as we enter.

'Ahh, I was wondering when the Jedi were going to show up' I hear a voice say, sarcastically from the shadows, as I'm thrown on my knees, onto the hard stone flooring.

Before the figure can make any more snarky comments, I speak with confidence:

'Hello, old friend'

The dark figure, then carefully slips out of the shadows, his gaze empty, as he appears confused by my oddly, friendly greeting.

'Well you haven't changed' I pause 'Hondo' I give him a small grin, as he carefully examines my face, edging closer towards me.

A wide smile then spreads across his face, as he steps back.

'Y/N? Well I never. Look at you! All grown up.' He then turns to the pirates that brought me in.

'Don't just stand there, uncuff the poor child!'

Two of them rush to my aid, briskly uncuffing me and bringing me to my feet, as Hondo walks up to me, still grinning widely.

'It has sure been a while, Y/N. Come, come, sit down and have a drink' He hooks his arm around mine and begins guiding me over to a seat, as he picks up a glass of Weequay pirate brew.

'How old are you again?' He pulls a puzzled face, as he forces the drink in my hand.

I cringe, as I look down to the swamp, green beverage in my hand and politely pass it back to him.

'Seventeen...so it's been seven years'

Hondo shrugs and accepts the drink, as I pass it back to him. He takes a long sip, before looking back at me.

'Seven years' He repeats back 'It was quite the adventure, hm?'

I give him a meek smile 'Ah yes, kidnapping me as a youngling, to use me as bait' I pause 'Quite, the adventure'

Forbidden: An Anakin Skywalker X Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now