~𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎~

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'This is almost too easy', I grin, as I watch another training remote droid fall to the ground.

Another droid approaches me from behind, but before it can blast at me, I launch my saber backwards, it gliding through the droids body. I hear the sound of the metal making contact with the ground. I slowly dis-ignite my lightsaber, while turning around to see all 20 of the droids I destroyed, laying on the floor, in pieces.

'Hm, not bad' I say to myself, proud of my capabilities

Suddenly, my head cocks to the side, as I feel a presence enter the room. I hear a sarcastic, slow clap come from behind me.


'I have to say Y/N, I'm impressed but I could do better' The voice says smugly.

I roll my eyes at his remark but I don't turn around. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.

'Of course you could' I reply sarcastically. I know exactly why he's here and he isn't going to hold back.

This time, I do decide to turn around. I face the figure, who's lingering by the door. His brown hair is covering his face and his eyes but I can still feel a raging stare, burning right through me.

'I know why you're here Skywalker, you've come to congratulate me on being Knighted' I say teasingly, while I grin smugly at him

Anakin swiftly brushes his hair out of his face revealing his piercing stare. His light blue eyes are making contact with my Y/E/C eyes. If looks could kill, I would most definitely be dead right now.

'How did you, out of all people, become Knighted before me? It makes no sense. You aren't half the Jedi I am' He says angrily, his eyes still piercing into mine

I just carry on grinning at him, taking pleasure in his anger. 'Jealousy, Isn't the Jedi Way, Skywalker' I lean on the wall, now turning away from him, my face still plastered with a wide smile

Anakin's face crumples angrily at my remark. He's so easy to wind up. Me being knighted at the age of 17 will make annoying him even easier.  It enrages him that I'm a better Jedi than he was at my age. I do feel a bit bad though. He's the 'Chosen One', as he always likes to remind me and still hasn't been Knighted.

'And cockiness, isn't the Jedi way' He shoots back at me. He's gritting his teeth now, looking extremely angry.

'Maybe...but at least I'm cocky...and a Jedi Knight' I tease.

Suddenly, he grabs his lightsaber from his belt and ignites it, his face growing with anger. 'Not this again' I think to myself. For some reason, Anakin always loves to resolve his problems with a duel. He has this 'thing' where he must prove himself to others and the only way he can do that, is through his lightsaber skills.

I sigh and roll my eyes 'So predictable' I say smugly. I then ignite my lightsaber and I kick myself off of the wall, walking to the centre of the room, where Anakin stands, saber in hand.

'I think the Padawan needs yet, another lesson' I grin at him.

'Don't call me that' He growls, gripping tightly onto his lightsaber

'But it's true-' Before I can finish my sentence, Anakin lunges at me, his lightsaber hurtling towards my face. I react quickly to his sneaky move, using the force to push him back.

Anakin lands on the floor, biting his cheek.

'What's wrong, Loath Cat got your tongue?' I laugh, my Y/F/C lightsaber now pointed at his face. Before I can walk away, he hooks his leg round mine causing me to fall face down on the ground, making my lightsaber roll across to the otherside of the room.

Anakin snickers as he does this and he pulls himself up
'Pathetic'  he whispers under his breath.

I scowl up at him, now finished with his childish behaviour. I use the force to help push me up from the ground. I'm now stood right in front of him, his body towering over mine.

'I don't understand what all the fuss is about with you, why the Council sings your praises. I'm the Chosen one, not you'  He snaps at me.

'I never would have guessed you were the chosen one, It's not like you haven't mentioned it maybe...1000 times' I shoot back at him, sarcastically.

'Just thought I'd remind you. You have a tendency to forget things' He grins 'You think you're so special and entitled now that you've been knighted. The Council's precious little Y/N, doing whatever they ask. They just feel sorry for you, you know, that's the only reason they knighted you' He snaps, in a malicious tone.

I scoff 'Say's you, you're always following the Council around like a lost puppy, who can't find its Mother' Anakin is taken aback by what I say, a sadness grows in his eyes. His sadness then soon grows into anger and he throws a harsh punch at my face, causing my head to fall back.

As if on cue, Obi-Wan enters the room just as Anakin makes contact with my body.

'Anakin!' Obi Wan shouts, his face stern and serious

Anakin turns to face his Master, his eyes still bulging with rage. 'What?'  He snaps.

I just sit there, cradling my face as it throbs, in complete disbelief. I never thought Anakin would actually hit me. I guess I underestimated him.

Obi-Wan storms over to Anakin, lifting him up by the scruff of his neck as Anakin whines in pain. 'Watch the hair!' He snaps, as Obi-wan stands him up.

'We need a serious talk, young man. Your behaviour has been completely out of line the last few rotations. The snappiness, being argumentative' Obi-Wan turns to face me 'attacking fellow Jedi.'

I try to hide my grin but I can't help but indulge myself in Anakin's telling off.

'Bad puppy' I say to Anakin teasingly, as Obi-Wan continues to lecture him but he then turns to me. I shrug my shoulders and give him a 'what?' expression.

'What is it with you two? The constant bickering and arguments are tiring' Obi-Wan says, in a disappointed tone 'Us Jedi are supposed to be there for each other, not attack one on other' He gives Anakin a strong look when he mentions not attacking other Jedi.

Obi Wan sighs and strokes his beard, deep in thought, Anakin still stood in front of him, while I'm now sat cross legged on the floor.

His eyes suddenly light up. 'That's not a good sign' I think to myself

'Come, get up Y/N. We are headed for the Council Chambers, I need to inquire them about something' Obi-Wan says, now out of his thoughts, and back into action.

'But-' I say

'Now' he replies, in a stern tone, as he begins to push Anakin towards the door, continuing to lecture him.

'You're nineteen years old Anakin, you're not 10 anymore, you can't carry on like this. You are the Chosen One, remember?'

'How could I forget?' Anakin whispers, in a sarcastic tone

'What is this...inquiry anyway Master?' I ask him, curiosity in my eyes, as we begin our walk to the Chamber.

'Putting you two on a mission, alone...together' He grins as mine and Anakin's mouth's both drop to the floor in shock.

I would rather die than go on a mission, alone with Anakin Skywalker...

Hi again! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. If it's rushed or there are any mistakes, please bare with me as this is my first fan-fic. Also, just a quick disclaimer, the relationship between Y/N and Anakin, will be a slowburn. Thanks for reading! I'll update the book tomorrow:)

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