16 | Confusion

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Hey, how are y'all babies? >•<


My eyes can't look away to the boy who were limping around the kitchen. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Can you stop moving?" I asked irritatedly.

"If I do, would you cook for us?" I looked away and gulp.

May be I went training for months but doesn't mean I was train to cook too because I wasn't. The last time I did, I nearly burn Chan hyung's apartment– and that was two years ago.

"I guess not." He said and continue cutting vegetables then stopped to check the whatever it was on the stove.

I sighed. "I'm not eating. You can just order or something."

To be honest, I really feel guilty about the wounds on his leg, reason why he's limping right now. And him –moving a lot just to cook for us– doesn't help for what I'm feeling right now.

"Why not?" He whined while pouting. "I'm already cooking!"


"So?" I raised my eyebrow. "I didn't tell you to cook for me too."

He sighed and turned his back on me, still pouting. I really can't believe he was older than me 'cause he's acting like a kid right now. I shook my head and sat on the stall in front of the counter island.

"How's your shoulder?" He asked, still not facing me.

I looked my shoulder that has bandages beneath my shirt before answering him. "Fine."

He just hummed and just continue cooking in silence. I just watched him and wait. It's not like we're friends now but I just can't ignore him– I mean the food he offer. He cooks amazingly so why would I right?

But... why is he doing this?

After minutes, he serve it in front of me before sitting besides me.

"Eat now so you can rest." He said and start to pick up his own chopsticks.

I just watched him fed himself. "Whwot?"

"Why are you doing this?" I asked while looking directly into his eyes blankly.

He drunk water first before speaking, "Why? Can't I just be kind to my roommate?" He asked back and sat properly to face me fully. "We may be enemies in work but we can truce here right?"

I rolled my eyes on him, "We can but you don't need to do this."

"Of course I can. Let's just say I'm very kind and considerate roommate of yours." He smirked.

"The last time I checked, the Lee Minho I know doesn't care about everybody." I scoffed.

"You're not everybody though." He whispered.

I looked away and cleared my throat.

"I don't know what's the reason why you chose to join RM when the last the time I checked you hate their leader to the fullest." He said. "Whatever it is, you don't need to avoid them and hurt yourself. I know I already told you this before but I will tell you again..." He tapped my shoulder that made me look at him again. "Follow what your heart wants."


My heart wants... Nevermind.

He smile at me, "Everything will be fine."

I looked at the food and slowly pick up my own chopsticks. "Y-you talk too much."

"Ooh, is my Hannie stuttering?" he teased.

I bit my cheek as I felt my both cheeks hot.

"Shut up." I said and rolled my eyes, trying to avoid his by starting eating the food he served awhile ago.

He just chuckled and start to eat again. We ate in silence with no awkward tension between us– just a comfortable one. We even argued who will wash the dishes but in the end, I won.

"Remember I just let you because... my leg hurts." He pointed  his finger on me. Obviously lying.

I smirked. "Okay~"

I saw how he shook his head and went to the couch and watched TV. Our dorm isn't that big, it was enough room for two people but hasn't personal space for both except for their bed, closet and study table.

I did what I need to do but as I finished, my phone rung. I looked at Minho, he was still busy watching series on TV so I went to the bedroom to have privacy.

"What?" I asked as I answer the call and closed the door.

"I have some news. There are good and bad, which do you prefer to tell you first?" I heard San, a private investigator of mine, asked me.

"The bad one." I said and went to the side of my bed and sat.

"Nice, because your monster father visit your mom again but this time he left with her." He informed.

"What? Where did he bring her? Did you tract them?" I asked worriedly.

"Calm down, J.One. Of course I did tract them and guess what?" Knowing him, I can say he's wiggling his eyebrows again.

I sighed in relief but still worried about mom. "What?"

"He brought her to the mansion." He said.

"Mansion?" I frowned. "You mean..."

"Yes, that mansion." He answered.

"But isn't my brother still living there?" I asked.

"Nope, in my almost a year of service, I never seen him once in your home." He said that made me confused.

Why did Chan left him knowing my mom was dead and I disappeared? Chan may be wasn't biological son of my father but among the two of us he is his favorite so he grew in so much love of him. Plus knowing how caring Chan is, he won't leave father alone– except if father gave him the reason to but... what is it?

"You still there?" I heard San asked.

"Sorry and yeah." I sighed.

I heard him sigh too. "So what's the plan?"

"Get her back." I said.

"How about your brother?" He asked.

"Let's just focus on her first." I sighed again and face palm.

"Okay, roger that. Anyway, gotta go. My boyfriend's here. He responded and end the call before I can say something.

I shook my head and threw my phone on the bed before standing up. I left the room and approached the boy on the coach. I got the remote and turned the TV off before sitting down on the opposite end of the couch.

"I need answers."

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