19 | The Two

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Week has passed and day by day is getting harder and harder for me. Felix and others still trying to talked to me– except for Chan who were already graduated and rarely come. Well, it wasn't like I like their attention so I shrugged it off.

"How's avoiding everyone?"

Speaking of the devil.

I just ignore him and ate my sandwich.

"I really don't understand why you keep doing that when you have choices." He said and sat beside me. "You have brother who is a boss and leader and you have a man who is willing to protect you and fight for you, who is also a all rounder of the group."

I looked at him, "Your point is?"

"Use them." He said.

I smirked and look away, "Tell me, Seungmin. Have you ever already guess who were real people or not around you?"

He didn't speak so I looked at him and saw him frowning at me.

"Instead of investigating me, why don't you investigate that?" I said to him to mess his mind and stood up.

I left him dumbfounded and went down from the rooftop. I threw my sandwich on the trashcan before continuing to walk. I lost my appetite tsk.

As I walk in the lobby I felt someone is following me. Someone I knew already because of his scents where my heart recognize immediately and act like I've been running in so much pounding. I sighed harshly and faced it that made my eyes go widen as I noticed how near our face is. I hit him on his chest and step back to gave us enough place.

"The hell, Minho!" I yelled.

Gratefully, there wasn't any students on the lobby so it was just us.

He chuckles, "Just last week you're calling me hyung then now your dropping honorifics again."

"So what." I rolled my eyes on him.

He look at me from head to toe and vice versa.

"What?" I asked.

"Just checking you out, I didn't see you after that night even though we're just living in the same dorm." He said.

I just shook my head and continue walking. He walked beside me.

"Leave me alone." I said.

"Let's have lunch together." He said, completely ignoring what I've said first.

I rolled my eyes, "Go away."

"Where do you like to eat? I know there's a new cafe near. Let's go there?" He asked.

I stopped walking and faced him, "Minho."

He stopped too and faced me with a smile on his face.

"According to my research they serve cheesecake there. What do you say?" He asked.

"Seriously, Minho. What do you want?" I asked, obviously irritated on him.

"You." He said smoothly. "So, let's go now?"

I rolled my eyes again and walk away.

"Yah! Wait." He yelled.

"Leave me alone!" I said and walk fastly.

He keeps on talking and talking convincing me to come but I just ignore him and walk more fastly that made me almost running to not match our pace. I suddenly stop as I saw three men in black suits standing outside of a room as if there where looking for someone inside. I quickly held Minho's hand and turned around.

"Act normally." I said to him.

What the hell are they doing here?

He smirk and took his arms on my shoulder. "Are you gonna eat lunch with me?"

"C'mon." I rolled my eyes on him and held him on his waist. We walked together farther away from the men.


"Is it your father's men?" He asked, his gaze on the road.

We're on his car, on the way to the cafe he was telling me earlier.

"It's none of your business." I said and turned to the window.

The car ride went silent again. I gulped when I remember my father's men again. They're finding me again.

After that night I never come back to the mansion nor answering my father's calls. I wanna have a break and act like a normal person– student eventually. Who only worry about his plates and food later meal, not worrying who will I kill or what will I do to kill the person successfully.

I sighed.



Jisung's mind wandered around while his eyes still outside of the window. Minho just let him be, he knew the younger was having a hard time that's why he's here. He want to give comfort Jisung without breaking the latter's wall. He want to just remind him that he wasn't alone.

Instead of bringing Jisung to the cafe, he brought him to restaurant. Jisung came back to his sense when he felt that the car has stopped and saw they were in front of a restaurant. Minho came out from the car and followed by him.

"I thought we're going to cafe?" He asked as he closed the door.

Minho went to him, "Yeah, but I got really hungry so I thought eating real food is better, right?"

"Excuse you, cheesecake is a real food too, mister." He said and unconsciously pout.

Minho wants to coo him but he stop himself.

"I know but we need eat meal now then let's buy later. How's that?" He said.

"I want the whole cake and you were paying." Jisung told him while glaring him.

Minho can't help but to chuckle, "Alright. Alright."

He touch Jisung's back so they keep on walking to the restaurant's entrance. Everything feels like so normal without knowing someone is literally watching them from inside of the black tinted car, not far from where Minho parked his car.

It was someone who watched them kiss on his sniper at Xu Tuan's incident. Someone who watched Jisung came to the dorm with woun and bruise. And now, watching them again that he thought was on a date.

"Minho hyung..." A guy who has mole on the left side of his eye, while still watching the said guy smirking to Jisung. "...how could you do this to us?" with pain on betrayal on his voice.

He looked at his phone on the dashboard when it rangs and answered the call without looking at caller name.


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