08 | Just Him

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I gasped when I realized that I wasn't on my own room at the dorm nor apartment as I woke up. I look around and none of it were familiar to me. It was simple and cozy black and white design and extremely scream luxury.

I quickly closed my eyes and pretend still asleep when one of the door open (I think bathroom door?). I felt the presence walk out from it and walk around. I decided to open my eyes a bit to see who was it and I saw Minho hyung... topless and only had towel on his waist while holding his phone.


I immediately close my eyes and cursed in my mind again and again.

"Get up already. We're gonna be late." He said.

Is he talking to me? Well, shit.

I opened my eyes and slowly get up but still not looking at him. I look around again to find my phone and saw it on the nightstand so I reach to see what time it is. My eyes widen when I saw it's already six-forty.

"What the fuck?!" I said and hurriedly climb out from bed. "Can I use your bathroom?" I asked.

He nodded and I quickly run to it before closing the door.

"Use the red toothbrush, it's yours now." I heard him said from the outside.

"Okay!" I replied and do what I need to do.

After doing my morning routine which is the fastest shower I did in my whole life, I went out from the bathroom with only towel on my waist. Good thing he had extra towel 'cause I fully forgot it earlier. Meanwhile Minho hyung was nowhere to be seen in the room. I only see clothes in the side of the bed. I pick up it and quickly wear it. I look to the side where the whole body mirror was place.

"I look cute." I commented.

Well, I'm wearing a big pink hoodie which I think it was Minho hyung's. I even smell his cologne scent on it. I blushed when I thought that but I realized we're getting late and I need to hurry so I went out from the bedroom. I saw a staircase down to the hall so I walk into it. I found Minho hyung sitting on the couch, still scrolling on his phone.

I felt like the time went slow motion as he look into my direction. My heart beat so fast and loud. Damn, even in a black shirt he's still so gorgeous. The fuck.


I blick twice and noticed, he's already standing on my side, "S-sorry?"

"I said let's go." He said and walk past me.

I didn't reply and just follow him walk out from his apartment but then I noticed something.

"Where's my bag?" I asked.

"It's on my car." He said.


He hummed, "I didn't take it with us last night."

Now it makes sense why I didn't hear my phone alarm ealier. After that we walk to the parking lot in silence.

"How did... you know, find me?" I asked not really sure about the question, when he started to drove us to school.

"Chan," He answered as if it explains everything.

"He asked you to find me?" I asked.

He shook his head but still eyes on the road, "Not really. He just said you were still not in your dorm and you aren't answering his calls so he asked me to check on you on your apartment."

"Why you though? I mean, you know."

"'Cause I'm the only one who were not in the dorm except from you?" He said questioningly. "Why are you sleeping on the bus stop anyway?"

"I was waiting for the bus but I didn't expect while waiting I fell asleep." I said and look back from the back of his car.

I get my bag and open it. I pull out my phone and see Chan hyung's multiple missed calls last night. Then I remember something.

"So...?" I started.

"So?" He asked.

"How's Van?" I asked.

"Van?" He frowned and glance at me and back to the road.

"The guy on the counter last time." I told him.

"Van..." He mumble to himself and repeat it many time as if he's trying to remember it.

Don't tell me he didn't text him?

"What the hell, hyung?" I exclaimed.

"What?" He asked.

"You didn't text him?" I asked back.

"Ooh, you mean the guy who flirted you." He scoffed.

"Shush, it doesn't matter." I wave my hand on the air like I was erasing on the black board. "Anyway, I thought you like him?"

"Who said? Yourself?" He scoffed. "Hannie, it doesn't mean I stared at him for so long, I like him already."

I looked away and bit my lower lip. He called me Hannie... I feel like my mind went broken and only keep on repeating on it is his voice calling me a nickname. In the whole ride, I just focus my eyes on the outside of the window and bit my lower lip to stop myself to squeal.

"...Han" I blink twice and look at him. "Huh?"

I realized the car has stopped already.

"I said, as much I want to treat you breakfast. I need to go. I'm already fifteen minutes late." He informed.

"No it's–" then my stomach groals. "...okay." I shyly added.

He pull out his car key and credit card from his wallet, "Here."

"Uh– It's okay, hyung." And push his hand but held my hand and put the car key and his credit card there.

"Chan hyung told me, you can drive so go on. Find something to eat before going to class, okay? See you later." He told me and walk out from his car without waiting for my response.

I sighed and almost trying to stop myself smiling, "Oh my heart, stop pounding. He's just so carrying person but... argh. Still can't believe I'm with him last night and until now. Oh gosh,  what if we're– shut up, Jisung." I mumble and slap myself.

I was about to slap myself again when my phone dings. A new message had sent to me. I look at it and saw Minhoo hyung's number.

Min hyungie 💕

hey hannie

don't u ever think not to
use my card

i'm not chan hyung


I sighed again. everyone in our circle knew what "I'm not Chan hyung" mean. Chan hyung is the most kind and soft in our circle that even you do something bad, he just talk softly and then forgive you so whenever we use that phrase, we were saying "I'm not kind" or "I don't give mercy." like that.

I wonder how Minho hyung's get angry, "For sure, he still look hot–" I slap myself. "

I blew a breath again then decided to just come to the cafe outside the school than driving. Hoping this wonderful day will last long...

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