Ch.16: The Lost Item

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POV: Milly

Milly soon got ready for the day. The words of her mother still floated around in her brain. She knew there was a deadline coming some. But how fast is it going and how soon is it coming.

Milly walked beside her father as they walked to the factory. Milly was looking down at her heart necklace. She was planning to talk to Y/N today to see if they knew anything about a deadline.

Soon Milly and Wally arrived at the factory. Wally went to his office to do work and Milly tagged along with him. Wally sat at his computer and started typing out paperwork. He was also talking to himself.

"I really need to find an assistant. It's been like what.. 5ish years now. But nobody is good as her. She was amazing.." Wally said and smiled a bit.

It seemed like he had great memories and was think about the time he had. Milly looked at Wally.

"What are you thinking about dad?" She asked.

Wally turned to her.

"Nothing hun. Just some good memories.." He said with a gentle smile.

"Okay." Milly said.

Milly then started thinking about everything that was happening. She needed to find the truth as soon as possible. But she lost the needle that could help her.

Milly decides to spend the time looking for more clues. She leaves Wally's office and walks around the factory. She thinks about the rainbow liquid she found in Dr. John's office. Why would it be inside of the office? But Dr. John did say the lab storage didn't have space.

Milly walked around the factory looking out for any clues that could be found. There wasn't much. She walked near the lab and felt like most of the clues would be found inside. But she can't go inside of the lab.

Milly continued on her way and walked around the factory. She walked into the grinder room and climbed the platform. She sat down on the platform. She wasn't really planning to talk to Y/N. She sat there playing with her necklace and talking to Y/N.

A few hours pasted. It was the end of the day. Around 9:55 pm when Wally came into the grinder room. He looked up and found Milly on the platform.

"Come on Milly. It's time to go home." Wally said.

Milly nodded her head and stood up.

"Okay dad." Milly said.

Milly climbed down from the platform and walked over to her father. Then Wally and Milly left the factory through the exit door.

They walked on the night street to their house. The wind softly blowing and the street light glowing in the night. Milly put her hand on her neck trying to find the necklace. She didn't find it so she checked her pockets and also didn't find it. She turned to her dad.

"Hey dad. I think I left my necklace in the grinder room." Milly said.

Wally turned to her.

"Okay. Do you want to go get it right now." Wally asked.

"Yea. I will be quick. I promise." Milly said.

"Okay. I will be at home. After you get your necklace come home asap. I trust you Milly." Wally said and gave her the keys.

"Yes father." Milly said as she took the keys.

While Wally walked home Milly ran back to the factory.

Once at the factory door she opened it with the key and went inside. She walked over to the grinder room. She could hear her footsteps on the ground as her walked. She climbed up to the platform again and started looking for her necklace.

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