Episode 2: The Birth of Greymon

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As the kids and digimon fall, Biyomon, Tentomon, Patamon and DemiDevimon tried to save Izzy, Sora, T.K. and Ezra. But were unsuccessful and continued to fall to the river below. Palmon tried to use her Poison Ivy on a rock to save Mimi, but instead the rock gave in and Mimi and Palmon continued to fall. Joe and Gomamon then fell into the water until Gomamon had in idea.

Gomamon: Fish Net!

Then a huge amount of fish appeared and caught Joe and the others from falling into the water.

Tai: Wow, this is some ride.

Ezra: And a close call.

As the kids and digimon thought they were in the all clear, they hear a roar.

Matt: What? Hey, look out!

They kids then see Kuwagamon still on the cliff, and fell as the rest of the cliff gave in. As the rocks hit the water, including Kuwagamon, it made a huge wave, and made them hit dry land.

Matt: I knew we'd be ok, I wasn't worried.

Joe: *Talking to Gomamon* What was that? A floating fish market?

Gomamon: Lucky for us, those fish were having a school reunion.

Joe was concerned about that sentence.

Gomamon: I'm kidding. Those fish are good friends of mine and I just asked them for a lift.

Joe: A-And all these years I thought I was allergic to seafood. Thank you, uh, I guess it's not Bukamon?

Gomamon: Gomamon now.

T.K.: And I guess that you're not Tokomon, are you?

Patamon: Now I'm Patamon.

Agumon: It's all because we digivolved.

Tai: I don't think that word's in my dictionary.

Ezra: It's not in any dictionary at all.

Izzy: So digivolving is what happens and become more powerful than before.

Tentomon: Right. All of us digivolve. I went from Motimon to Tentomon.

Biyomon: I digivolved from Yocomon to Biyomon.

Gabumon: First, I was Tsunomon, then Gabumon.

Palmon: And I Changed from Tanemon to Palmon.

DemDevimon: I was originally Pagumon. But now I'm officially DemDevimon.

Agumon: And me, I was Koromon. I digivolved into Agumon.

Ezra: So, when you digivolved, you certainly got way bigger. Does this now mean you're something different now or are you still digimon?

DemiDevimon: But I needed your help, Ezra.

Ezra: Me? For what?

DemiDevimon: Well, long story short, I had to share your energy.

Ezra: Really?

Sora: *Talks to Biyomon* I guess you guys don't run on batteries.

Biyomon: Sure don't.

Izzy: *Talks to Tentomon* But how do you access my energy?

Tentomon: Even we don't know everything.

The rest then talk about their digivolution and some of them were confused, concerned and curious.

Matt: Ok, come on, what are we gonna do?

Joe: If only there was a pay phone nearby. We could call the police, or fire department, or my mother.

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