Episode 4: Biyomon and DemiDevimon Get Firepower

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The group and digimon were walking through a forest full of signs, they hear a whoosh from above. They then see something zooming above the trees.

 They then see something zooming above the trees

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Ezra: What the heck is that thing?

Matt: It seems to be some sort of aircraft.

Sora: It looked like a big, flying gear.

Ezra: And Izzy, if you say anything about aliens right now, don't.

Izzy: Fine. *Looks down in shame*

T.K. eventually steps on an old vine, causing him to slip a little. Thankfully, Tai picks T.K. up.

T.K.: That was scary!

Tai: That could've been a snake, or worse.

T.K.: Oh, boy. I'm sorry. Hey, DemDevimon, are there really snakes here?

DemiDevimon: Nope. Just unpleasant digimon, that's all. We would've known if we had snakes here or not.

Patamon: Don't you worry, T.K., I'll take care of them.

T.K. then hugs Patamon, knowning he has his best friend to protect him.

Sora: Ok, now that that's settled, let's get going.

Matt: Nothing's settled, and where would we go? We don't even know where we are.

Tai: This is silly. I say we keep moving and see if we can find any signs of intelligent life here.

Biyomon: Hey, wait a minute. Is he saying that digimon are not intelligent? Is that what he's saying?

DemiDevimon: Yeah, that feels offensive to me.

Ezra: Not at all. But, probably Tai is right. We need to keep moving in hopes of finding out where we are.

Sora: You're right, we need to stay calm and stick together. Let's remember, we're in this together.

Biyomon: Together sounds good.

DemiDevimon: That's fine in my book.

As Sora and Ezra continue to talk to Biyomon and DemiDevimon, the group besides, Sora, Ezra, Biyomon and DemiDevimon leave.

Ezra: Really guys?! You guys are mean!

The four were then able to catch up with the others. During the walk, Matt found a desert of telephone poles.

Matt: Look! Telephone poles! I say we follow them and see where they lead.

Joe: They'll just lead to trouble.

Then, the gear from before hits a green mountain, hitting something in the process. Meanwhile, the group was walking through the telephone pole desert.

T.K.: It's so hot, I can feel the heat coming up through my socks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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