Episode 3: Garurumon

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Tai was looking at the ocean, with no luck finding a people on the island.

Tai: Yo, Agumon.

Agumon: What's up Tai?

Tai: I like it when you're Greymon. No offense, but why don't you just stay that way?

Agumon: I can't. But even superheroes need a rest.

Tai thought that was ridiculous until he was about to fall off the cliff. Agumon thankfully helped Tai not fall off. While everyone laughed. But then, they hear roar that got their attention. Then, a dinosaur digimon comes in.

 Then, a dinosaur digimon comes in

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Izzy: Who's that digimon?

Tentomon: It's a Monochromon. But don't worry about him. He's a laid-back Digimon. Although, it is white to be a bit cautious with the Monochromon, they do tend to get a bit miffed when they're hungry.

Ezra: Then he must be really starving because he looks really pissed!

DemiDevimon: And I think he wants to eat us!

They turn around and see another Monochromon!

Joe: There are 2 of them!

Matt: We're caught between a rock and 2 sets of teeth!

They then quickly run to the left, back into the forest. As they see the Monochromons fighting over the spot. The 7 kids and digimon then run far away from the Monochromons as they let the two duke it out. As the kids finally got away from the Monochromons, the kids were tired.

Mimi: I don't walk this much unless I'm at a mall, and as you can see, we're nowhere near one.

Ezra: Mimi, when we find a way back home, you can do as much walking at the mall as you want. So stop complaining and let's keep moving.

Mimi: No! My feet hurt!

Agumon: Maybe if you'd take off your boots and socks, you'd feel better, Mimi.  It's much more practical, I think.

Mimi: I'm not walking in dirt in my bare feet!

Palmon then walks to Mimi and Agumon.

Palmon: I love the feel of dirt under my feet, especially between my toes.

Mimi: Gross!

Ezra then appears next to Palmon and Mimi.

Ezra: That's only because Palmon's a plant!

It was now getting close to nighttime.

Izzy: It appears that we may be losing our light source.

Sora: What a weird sunset.

Izzy: This whole island is weird, and who knows what will come out at night?

DemiDevimon and Tentomon then heard water from somewhere.

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