Chapter One

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The Archdemon roars once more and violently tosses its head to the side. I shout a warning, "Look out!" as the creature's massive claws come dangerously close to the platform where Zevran and Wynne are stationed. In a split second, Zevran grabs Wynne, using his body as a shield while the Archdemon wreaks havoc on the ballistae.

I quickly return to casting spells, striving to keep the Darkspawn at bay. Alistar stands behind me, his eyes fixed on the Archdemon, waiting for it to land. Duncan's shield is in his left hand, and he wields Duncan's sword in his right. We had retrieved it shortly before the battle, when we stumbled upon bandits looting the dead. Alistar and I had carried Duncan's body to a pyre, bidding our final farewells. That night was spent in somber silence, as the others understood the need for solitude.

I cast a spell to rekindle the flames on the sword as the dragon descends again. Barkspawn accompanies Alistar, helping to fend off the new wave of Darkspawn. Zevran passes by with Wynne, who sends me a healing spell. They are heading for the last remaining ballistae. Morrigan, in her raven form, lands on my shoulder.

"Oghren and Shale have the battle below under control, so I thought I could be of use up here," she explains, brandishing her own mage staff, Wintersbreath. She swiftly casts spells before transforming into a bear and charging towards the approaching Darkspawn.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Loghain making a dash for the Archdemon. Before the battle, Riordan summoned us for a private meeting, revealing that the one who struck the killing blow would also meet their end. Loghain had immediately offered his life in exchange for redemption in the eyes of Ferelden's people. Alistar and I had agreed, and now, the moment had arrived. My sole task was to keep Loghain alive until he could thrust his blade into the dragon's neck.

As he passes by, I cast Rock Armor on Loghain, his greatsword swinging toward the formidable beast. The battle had dragged on for far too long, and I could sense my strength waning. I swing my staff behind me, connecting with a Darkspawn's ribs, sending it hurtling, and quickly unleashing another blast at an approaching group.

I retreat to the side of the rooftop and risk a quick glance below. There, Ohgren, holding onto Shale's back, commands the dwarven army. Sensing my gaze, he looks up and raises his hammer high.

"For the Grey Wardens!" he bellows before leaping down to crush a Darkspawn's skull. He grins up at me, and I respond with a weary smile. Leliana is outside the fortress, aiding the wounded, so I can't see her. Sten must be with the army positioned outside. Suddenly, a Darkspawn leaps onto my back.

I scream, twist my body, and attempt to crush the creature behind me, but it eludes my efforts. I cast a healing spell on myself as the Darkspawn claws at my neck and face. Pain shoots through me as the filthy nails dig deeper into my back. I hear Barkspawn's bark as he charges towards me. I crouch down, and Barkspawn leaps, tearing the Darkspawn off me.

"Tav! Are you okay?" Alistar's voice rings out.

"Fine, keep fighting! I don't know how much longer we can hold out!" I yell, straining to spot him through the chaos.

"We're close!"

I can't see him, so I climb atop some crates left on the rooftop. With a clear view, I see that the Archdemon has been grounded, and Loghain and Alistar are closing in on their target. With my remaining strength, I unleash one final spell, desperate to aid them in finishing off the beast.

I collapse, and Barkspawn stands guard over my prone body, growling at any approaching threats. Suddenly, a brilliant light floods the rooftop as Loghain thrusts his blade into the Archdemon's head. I shield my eyes from the blinding radiance.

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