Chapter 23

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Rhi sees a blue blur making its way towards Clint, as the gunfire closes in on them and suddenly, it was as if everything was moving in slow motion.

It's now or never.

Rhi summons as much of her strength as she possible can and uses her magic to switch places with Pietro, right before he reaches Clint and quickly places a shield to protect them.

Unfortunately, she only had enough energy left to conjure a small shield so she places it over Clint to protect him and the kid.

"RHIANNON!" She hears someone, perhaps Loki, shout in the distance as she drops to the ground.

Getting hit with a bunch of bullets didn't seem to hurt as much as she thought it would.

"It won't prevent you from getting hurt entirely. But, it'll lessen the impact." She laughs to herself as she heard Loki's words from yesterday echo in her head.

I guess I should've kept the jacket on...

Loki, feeling her injuries through their bond, immediately teleported over to her when he realized what has happened.

"Did"Are...they..." She starts, but is unable to finish as she starts coughing up blood.

"Shhh, save your strength." Loki says as he starts trying to work his magic over her. But it was no match for the multiple blows she received, as it only was slowing down her impending death.

Thor approaches and places a comforting hand on Loki's shoulder.

"I'm...sorry..." She says as she feels herself starting to fade away and slowly brings her hand up to cup Loki's face.

"Stay with me, mitt vakre lys...please" Loki pleads as he removes her glove and starts to lightly kiss her hand.

As soon as he does, and their skin makes contact, the veins in both their bodies start to glow bright yellow, as the mind stones power begins to flow through and circle around them.

Loki, Thor, and Clint watch in amazement as Rhi's wounds slowly begin to heal.

"Brother, I didn't know you had this kind of magic." Thor says.

"It's not me..." Loki looks down at their joined hands. "It'" He smiles.

Eventually, Rhi slowly sits up as she regains a little bit of her strength back. "Remind me to never do that again." She says as she feels a hand come down on her shoulder.

"You had us worried for a second there." Thor booms happily.

"How..." She starts but then stops when she notices Loki's eyes and veins still glowing bright yellow. She then looks down at their still joined hands to see that her veins were glowing as well. "...the mind stone?" Loki nods in response and smiles as he lets go of her hand to gently cup her face. "That was how I was able to heal your chest wound."

"Rhiannon..." Loki speaks softly

"Yes?" She practically whispers when she notices Loki peak down at her lips.


Loki gets cut off when Steve makes his way over to them."Stark is ready to blow this rock, so we need to head out."

Rhi goes to stand up, but before she can, Loki picks her up and teleports them to the lifeboats, where he continues to hold her close to him.

"You can put me down now." Rhi whispers

"I know." Loki says as he kisses the top of her head.

Rhi chuckles and snuggles more into his chest. "You should get out of here before they throw you in a cell."

"I'm not going anywhere." Loki says as he tightens his arms around her.

Rhi tilts her head back up to find Loki looking down at her lovingly. "Promise?"

"Promise." Loki softly smiles before placing a soft but quick kiss on Rhi's lips.

"You're forgiven." She whispers before snuggling back into him.

As it turned out, Ultron was flying the aircraft that shot at the team. At some point, the Hulk ripped Ultron from the craft and the Vision finished him off. However, when no one was looking Hulk took the quinjet, which was in stealth mode, and took off to an unknown location.

As expected, as soon as Loki stepped onto the helicarrier, he and Rhi were surrounded by a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Loki places Rhi down and moves in front her with his hands up as one of the agents steps forward with, what she assumed to be, magic blocking cuffs.

Before the agent gets to Loki, Rhi pulls out her knives and stands protectively in front of him.

"If you want him..." She conjures her magic through the knives. "You're going to have to go through me."

"Stand down, Fairweather, that won't be necessary."


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. The next one should be longer

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now