Song to Remember By

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Cairn arched forwards falling to land with a grunt. His knees cracking against the concrete, Brielle pushed harder willing that dreg of fighting power into every rotting crevice of his soul. The power, an extension of her anger and rage, ripped into every nerve burning them and carving into his layers of skin. 

There was a rattle of chains as Aelin crawled, metal gauntlets scraping the stone as she moved to where the Lioness stood. A female battering-ram of power that fuelled the rising warmth in the cell. The young Queen of Terrasen tucked herself into the back of Brielle's legs when another bone splintering scream tore from the male writhing on the floor in pain before them.

Vera had began yelling over Cairn's noises of pain as she yanked forcefully at her restraints, biting into her lip to ignore the pain as the metal cut into her wrist. If Brielle was giving them this opportunity she wasn't going to waste it. If she could get to them and get Aelin standing Vera knew Enola would be able to help them. The Pride members would never stray too far from their leader. She turned and gripped to the chain wrapping both arms and planting her feet to the wall trying to rip it out the stone.

The Lioness was unrelenting in her form standing vigil, braced as Aelin hid behind her allowing the younger female to catch her breath, trying to recover from the touch of darkness that was Brielle's power.

There was blood blisters exploding off Cairn's skin. Hives of them erupting as Brielle pushed further ignoring the rising heat in her core temperature. Snarling to expose her canines at Cairn when he tried to fight and rise up against her. He had not a single defence as she started imploding blood vessels under his skin. The surface of his flesh was darkening in various hues of purple as the blood began seeping internally around his system.

A low whine building in the air drew her attention, even through the blurring of her vision she could still see Fenrys glued to his space by the entrance. Brielle felt her power flicker when she glanced at him. Fenrys wasn't moving instead staring straight at her. She had anticipated seeing the disgust and fear in his eyes as it shone in everyone else when they witnessed the lengths of her power. But not him, never him.

Her whole body warmed from the inside out, an underlay of heat lining her skin. Blood boiling a sheen of sweat over her arms. The power had begun to wilt when she dragged and demanded more, Even in his wolf form Brielle could read his expressions as clearly as day. His eyes spiked with worry as she turned away from him to meet Cairn's blood shot eyes. She was reaching her limit and the bastard knew it, biding his time for the lingering iron shavings in her system to do their job.

If this was to be it, She was going to give it everything. A flood gate of power bursting she fired the remainder of it at the male, his body contorting to try and relieve the pressure and pain.

Beads of sweat were running down her face , warming her jaw. Eyes sting as the droplets flowed freely. It was becoming difficult to keep her knees straight, muscles tightening and cramping under the effort of keeping herself upright.

"Brielle!" Vera's cry was croaked as she continued fighting the chains imprisoning her to the wall, near bone breaking point, simply in order to reach her Commander, her friend. The lines of the room were all blurring to the same shapes. Brielle felt the muscles tighten and legs buckle but she refused to fall, Even through his pain Cairn began smiling watching her shake with effort, awaiting the final blow of power that would never come.

There was a resounding boom as a body collided into the door, she swayed, vision darkening at the edges as light finally flooded into the room from the entrance, Isaiah stood in the doorway, panting from the effort of pounding the door open, a door which was dented in the shape of a shoulder. He gaped taking in the sight of Brielle, a physical faltering shield to the Queen huddles like a child behind her. Brielle was faintly aware of Cairn's rasp breathless laughter before she finally blacked out.

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