The Plantation of Bombs

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Brielle's chest heaved against the breathes she fought to draw into her lungs. The air burning her throat, a scratching that even coughing wouldn't help

She couldn't move, couldn't force her muscles into action. The room around them was warm, a small candle light illuminating the office from across the room she could just see it flicker in response to the power that weaved through the air. 

There was soft footsteps in the rug nearby, her ear twitched at the noise, the male walked straight past her, she tracked his movements, the male stopping beside another body meters from where her own lay.

A female she knew. A mewled sob built at the back of her throat, the wooden floor biting into the back of her head. The cold air billowing across the bare skin on her legs, the blue dress she wore laying up around her waistline. Her finger twitched to draw the skirt back down, 

She cried out in frustration when once again there was no movement anywhere below her shoulders. She craned her neck back an inch to look for the male, he was positioned in the corner of her vision, knelt above the other female, her own body deathly still, perhaps paralysed with apprehension, just as Brielle's had been.

She could think of nothing else, feel nothing. Watching as the male hovered above the female, her head dropped against the carpet, head lulled to the side, facing Brielle now.

The face of a sister, a friend. A tear raced down her face, Brielle could sense the noise of the words trying to build in her, tongue tingling in her mouth but the words did not come easy. She felt her magic rising,

Almost cried to happiness as she felt its warming comfort encase her, filling the blood inside her, imbuing it with power. The magic swirled pooling behind an invisible wall, blocking her out.

The male leaned closer to the female, did not stop, did not acknowledge the mumbled sounds coming from the other in the room, Brielle watched her friend, watched the light within her fade. Felt the cord of her magic tightening, until the physical pain was all she could sense, the roaring building against her skull.




Brielle jolted up on the bed, hand clamping the neckline of Fenrys's shirt, which she had snuck into his room to get. The layer of sweat coating her skin, it felt like a cracked layer of mud, the urge to itch the scars littering her legs, back and arms.

The air curled itself in her throat, burning the inner flesh. Moving from the bed, she threw the blankets off her legs, reaching for the bucket beside her. The bile burned a roaring heat in her throat as she threw up. Continued to do so until she had nothing left in her to release.

It had been a little under a week since she convinced Lord Barrow to submit his men to Maeve, along with the agreement they answered to her. The Lioness of the Pride. She inhaled deeply through her nose, Maeve had her repeat the process three more times. Three other lords, who all had something the Queen wanted. Using the Seductress to wield herself against them, Brielle did the same thing with them as she did with Kane Barrow. Only one of the other three refused her. 

Moving across the room, Brielle pulled some clothes onto her stiffening body, muscle and mind aching from the memories that hounded her down whilst she slept every time her eyes closed. It was maddening, like somehow being caged once more resurfaced the root of all the pain.

She quickly gathered up her knives, tucking them into their individual straps along the harness wrapping her torso. Leaving the room quickly, Brielle marched through the halls of Doranelle's fortress. She needed to leave, to get out for a while. The night was giving way to the early morning lights, the perfect time to train and regain some of her lost muscles, from the time below the stone castle, with Cairn at the end of every torment. Her slowly healing scars stretched and ached at the thought, she gripped a dagger tighter, it had become a habit to always have one concealed in the tight ball of her fist. 

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