A Beautiful Sunny Day

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Pov: You just moved into the neighborhood and it was a very lovely town. When you had just finished unpacking, you went downstairs and you see your mom in the kitchen with a warm smile and says, "Hi Hon do you like it here so far ? i know it can be stressful thought on moving to a new house but, i know you'll be making a lot of new friends." I smiled and said, " Yeah i'm alright i love it here it was way better than that old house, um anyway i'm gonna go take a walk around town and then the park, i should be back soon mom." Her mom nodded in agreement and said," Okay Honey make sure you bundle up just in case and please stay safe." "I will mom." I said with a warm smile as i headed out the door. As Y/N walked out the door, she made sure she had everything in her purse and everything is as where it should be. And now she's off on heading into her new town to explore new places and finally be more comfortable.

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