Coffee And Talk

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As Wooly and Y/N arrived at the coffee shop, Y/N turned to wooly with a warm smile and said, "Thank you so much for bringing me here the atmosphere in here is wonderful." Wooly replied and said," Aww you're welcome Y/N i just wanna treat you to something special i'll get us both french vanilla coffee it'll be on me." As Wooly pays for the coffee they both sit down at a nearby table and listen to some calming music as they enjoy their coffees. " So tell me about yourself Y/N what made you move into this lovely town." Said Wooly with a warm smile. "Well i since the last time i remember i was feeling a bit mellow and sad so i decided to move here in this lovely town and ever since i met you my life has changed forever i'm very lucky to have you in my life Wooly and you make me smile so much brighter." Said Y/N. AS they finished their coffee Wooly takes both of Y/N's hands and says, " Aww you're welcome i'll always protect you no matter what happens and if something goes wrong i'll be there okay?" Said Wooly." "Okay." Y/N replied with a smile. As they left the coffee shop, Wooly and Y/N walked around town throughout the whole day until it was getting dark out. "Hey Y/N do you want me to walk you home since it's getting dark out?" Said Wooly. " Yes please Wooly i would love that." Y/N Said. As they were walking home Y/n gets a cold shoulder and worrying that someone was following them both to the location that they were heading to Y/N's house. 

----------------------------*A Few Minutes Later*-------------------------

They both arrived at Y/N's house and Y/n said with a smile and said, " Thank you so much for today and looking out for me i really appreciated so much Wooly." "Aww you're welcome Y/N i really enjoyed today it was really fun." " hey do you want to meet my mom Wooly?" Said Y/N. "Sure Y/N." Wooly replied with a smile. As Wooly rang the doorbell Y/N's mother opened the door and hugged her she looked down with a smile and turned to Y/N and said, " Who's your friend sweetie?" Y/N replied and said, "Mom this is Wooly he helped me at the park today to calm me down with my anxiety attacks , Wooly this is my mom." said Y/N. As Wooly And Y/N's Mother shook hands, Her mother replied, Thank you so much for walking my daughter home and looking out for her i really appreciated so much how would you like to come over to our house sometime Wooly?" Wooly replied with a smile and said, " i would love that so much." As Wooly waved bye to both Y/N and her mother. Wooly started walking back to his house until something felt off, he got the cold shoulder and started to get nervous that someone was following him until Amanda popped out of nowhere and said, " Well hello there Wooly nice to see you had a lovely time with whoever you were with." Wooly said with a low tone in his voice and said, Her name is Y/N and she was the sweetest person i ever met and plus she just moved into town earlier today when i saw her at the park she had a panic attack about her sad past from her old town and i don't have to tell you anything Amanda! Amanda looked shocked and gave him an weird smirk and said, " Oh my gosh  Wooly you're so boring!" She grabbed him by the arm and Wooly started panicking really hard until Amanda managed to get a grip and pulled him away into a deep forest that was miles away from town. "AHHHHHHHH SOMEONE HELP ME." Wooly Shouted.

To Be Continued.....Chapter 4

-------------------------Author's Note-----------------------

I just wanna say I've been focusing on my mental health and i promise this next chapter is going to be more intresting... 

I'll keep you updated be sure to stay tuned and have an amazing day thank you :)

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