Where's Wooly?

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The next morning i woke up from bed, i went downstairs and had breakfast. And after i had breakfast i decided to go outside and wait for Wooly, and after a few minutes went by, he never showed up. So i started to get really worried so i went back into the house and asked my mom if she knew where Wooly was last seen and she put her hands on both my shoulders and said, " I haven't honey i'm so sorry maybe he'll turn up somehow i promise." Said Y/N's Mom. So i went upstairs and made fliers that said " Missing Wooly the sheep if you see him please contact me. So i rushed downstairs and told my mother, "Mom i'm gonna go outside and put these fliers all around town and see if anyone has last seen Wooly the night he disappeared. Her mom replied, "Okay honey but be careful and be safe." "I will mom." Said Y/N. So i went out the door and knocked every neighbors door and ask them, "Have you seen this sheep?" And sadly they haven't seen him. So i nodded and started heading into town and put up every flier i made on every telephone pole and i had tears running down my face. And after a few minutes went by when i finished putting up all the fliers, i decided to sit by the park where i first met Wooly. and as i sat down on the bench i've been having flashbacks of when Wooly and i sat together by the bench. I started crying even more, and then someone puts their hands on my shoulders and to my surprise it was Wooly's mother and she sat next to me and asked, " Have you seen my son?" I replied and said, " No i haven't when we were hanging out for the whole day yesterday until he walked me home when it was dark out and he was walking back to your house and that's when i last saw your son last night." I replied with more tears in my eyes. Wooly's mother was surprised of my story so she wiped my tears off of my face and told me, "Don't worry dear we'll find him we just gotta retrace your steps on where he last was, i was very glad when my son first found you by the park he noticed you were sad and scared so he's got a really kind heart and a warm smile." " He sure does let's see if i remember this right when it was almost dark out we were walking down the street to my house to take me home and then after that, he decided to walk home and someone was following him and *GASP* That's it someone did kidnap Wooly the night he disappeared when he was walking home. Wooly's mother replied and said, "Oh my goodness let's go and he where he last was." "Okay let's go." I replied with a confident smile. So Y/N and Wooly's mother went around looking for clues on where Wooly was last seen. 

-----------------A few minutes later-------------------------

After alot of searching they stumbled upon a random forest that was just a few miles from the city. "There's seemed to be footprints of that someone who i randomly met yesterday and if i remember the name right i think her name was Amanda." Said Y/N. "Wooly's mother replied and said Amanda...Amanda...Oh that was her who took my son the night he disappeared last night." "Exactly so let's continue to follow the footprints and i think that's where it will lead us to help find him. 

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