A Nervous Feeling

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As you are heading into town, you are walking exploring all of the beautiful houses as you are walking they are lovely. But then you get this flashback memory of something you don't want to bring up. It was about your sad time back from your old town." I started to snap out of it and once you arrived in the new town you see that the park was just right across the street. So you head over there and you see a bench to go sit down and watch the birds fly and the squirrles run around. But then, you start to have that sad flashback memory again and then you start to cry on your jacket. Then all of the sudden a sheep saw you on the park bench crying his ears perked up in worry so he rushed to you and said, "Hey, are you okay?" You jumped and got startled." And Wooly replied, " Oh i'm so sorry to scare you like that i didn't mean to scare you may i sit next to you if you don't mind." And i replied with a warm smile, "Sure, and whats your name?" He replied and said, "Oh my name is Wooly what's your name?""My name is Y/N." I replied. As we both were sitting he puts one arm around me and the other one on my hand and said," You can tell me anything that's on your mind and it's okay if you don't want to i understand." Said Wooly. "It's okay i can tell the story it goes something like this..." As i telling my sad past Wooly's expression turns into sadness. I replied and said with tears coming down my face, "And that's my story." Wooly said, " Aww omg i'm so sorry to hear that here i'll give you a long hug everything is gonna be okay you're safe with me." "Would you like to be my friend Y/N?" Said Wooly." "Of course i will Wooly you have an amazing heart and the most adorable smile." Said Y/N." As the wind blows nice cool air, Wooly looks blushed at Y/N's words and said," Aww that's so sweet of you Y/N from now on i will always be by your side no matter what happends i will protect you if you're feeling sad." Said Wooly as he hugs Y/N. 

"There's a coffee shop that's down the street that i wanna take you to." Said Wooly with a smile.

I replied and said," Aww that's so sweet of you let's head there now." Wooly nods his head in agreement.

-----------------------------------------------------Moments Passed------------------------

Behind The Trees Amanda was standing behind them and saw Wooly with someone who just moved into town and she was a little amused as Wooly and Y/N spent some quality time together... She was so mad that she stormed off and went somewhere else part of town that was a few miles from there.

To Be Continued...Chapter 3 Coming Soon

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