Found Safe!!! (Final Chapter)

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So after Y/N and Wooly's mother have walked for miles in the forest the trail ended here and to their suprise, there was Wooly all alone in the forest. Wooly turned to see who it was and it was Y/N and his mother he ran to them crying tears of joy and said, OH MY GOODNESS It's okay it's okay I'm alright mom Y/N I'm so happy to see you it's alright i'm here now let's hurry on out of here before she comes back because she was planning on doing something to me alright let's go.

-----------As they left the forest and retraced Y/N's steps on where Wooly was last seen----------------

Wooly and his mother thanked me for retracing my steps to find me the night i disappeared and asked me," Y/N, would you and your mother like to join us for lunch at my house?" Y/N replied with a smile and said, Yes we would love that very much." 

----------------As they arrived at Wooly's house---------------

They sat down at the table and they introduced themselves and said, Hi i'm Y/N's mother, It's so nice to meet you, "Aww thank you dear I'm Wooly's mother. i feel like they have really connected so well and it's lovely that my son is looking out for your daughter. "It sure is and she turned to her daughter and Wooly with a warm smile and they smiled back. 

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