Chapter Five

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The drive home was a silent affair. Kara sat staring blankly out of the passenger seat window as Ms. Venable drove, not even music echoed in the background. None of that mattered though because no amount of noise could drown out Karas thoughts in that moment. 

She'd given everything to that woman. She'd trusted her and been vulnerable around her only for that to be thrown in her face as an excuse for infidelity. Her chest ached but it surprisingly wasn't from a broken heart. She was angry at the audacity of her ex-lover. That she would even think that she'd be willing to take her back after walking in on something like that. She was in denial; she had been for a long time. She saw the signs and noticed that they were growing apart. First it was small things then it developed into big waving red flags, like the other woman asking for an open relationship. Kara was ready to end it right there, but the manipulative woman was able to twist it and make her think she was overreacting. 

Kara sat silently stewing. She'd grown away from the other woman, and she knew the relationship was on its last leg. A huge sign of that was that she had even approached Wilhemina. She wouldn't have dared to do such a thing in the beginning of her relationship. But now she needed companionship, she needed attention. She excused her actions by thinking that she just wanted a friend since her previous Mommy wasn't paying enough attention to her- and in part that was true. But she had to face the fact that she definitely didn't first stop in front of that bar window and stare dumbly because she thought Wilhemina was a 'potential good friend'. She stopped because she was the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen. She of course brushed off her immediate lustful thoughts hoping to find a friend in the woman once she was feeling lonely enough. But the initial feeling was still there. 

Kara wondered if she was really any better than her ex at all. She never would've slept with Wilhemina, not while she was committed to another person... but she couldn't deny that she was tempted. She'd spent one too many nights with her hands between her thighs, thoughts wandering to the redhead instead of her partner, to deny that she wanted her. 

But it wasn't as simple as that. She felt connected to the woman. She immediately felt safe to let her little self out around the other woman, despite the fact that she knew the other woman wasn't exactly the typical 'caring' type. She felt safe with her. 

It still boggled her mind that her smol self-felt safe enough to not only play but to allow Wilhemina to care for her. It had taken so long for her to even broach the subject with her ex. And even longer for her to feel comfortable enough to call her Mommy. 

Even though she expected it, she still felt sad. She was still mourning a woman that was a huge part of her life. She still loved her in a way- but she hadn't been in love with her in a long time. She liked to convince herself that she was in love with her still, but if she was, a little spark wouldn't be blooming in her heart as she looked at Wilhemina. 

She knew the woman was out of her depth with the age regression thing. But the fact that she just rolled with it, not making her feel judged or weird in any way... that meant the world to her. She felt like less of a burden with this complete stranger then she did with her ex. 

She was about done being big for the day, she needed to unwind because her nerves were starting to get the best of her. 

"If you could just drop me at home Mina, I'd really appreciate it." She said shyly. 

"No." Wilhemina said. 

"Oh, um, okay you can just drop me here then." Kara really didn't want to be any more of an inconvenience then she been already. 

Wilhemina's eyes snapped from the road to her face giving her a disbelieving look. 

"Silly girl, you're coming home with me." She said plainly. 

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