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KorTac Delta Base
Kazan, Russia / 01-01-2012 / 01:00

"Entering base, keep alert."

The shivering cold snow seemed comforting, in her hands; a lukewarm handle on her M4A1 sat beside Silas' right hip, her cold and dead eyes scan her surrounding area.

"I see movement on your three o'clock."

A voice reported, his usual badass tone and sass in his grit and roughness in his voice, the muffled breaths fogged around his night vision. An X-ray of a dog's jawbone etched on his balaclava. He kept his sniper rifle trained at a shadow of a person in Silas' place.

"That's me, Russ." She replied, her hushed, rough, and raspy voice like a silent whisper.

Silas walked forward stealthily, her footsteps not even being heard, the crunch of the snow was loud, and yet she was the polar opposite.
"No problems yet, stay frosty for right now though." She reported into her comms, pressing the radio's wet button from the gently falling snow. Her skinny and veiny fingers gently let go and returned back to her cold M4A1 assault rifle; grasping it tightly.
The frigid winter was harmless if you had the right gear. Hesh was overdressed because he didn't know how cold it would be, the sweat beaded down his forehead. The shivering cold kept everyone on their toes except Silas.

Silas knew this type of cold, it was the same type of cold when the loss of her team happened. The great loss of her Best friend, comrades, and brothers in arms.

Silas moved forward to the building, making the loud snow silently crunch underneath her boots as she made each step.
Keegan followed behind, motioning Logan and Hesh to follow. Hesh looked around before nodding and stealthily dashed to where Silas was, Logan did the same. Silas went to the right side of a iron single door.
"Hesh, clear the room, remember, if the general is in there, shoot to kill. But don't kill the squad mates." she commanded, her eyes looming over the trio.
"Solid copy." Hesh replied, his voice gritty and clear as usual.
"Kick, can you hear me?" Silas asked, pressing her radio's button again.
"Positive." Kick replied, an abrupt click of a pistol near his radio, Keegan flinched at the sound.
"Are you safe?" Keegan radioed in. His hand made a click with his radio button.
"Not anymore" Kick replied.
"Go through the door Hesh...!" Silas demanded, right at his six.
Hesh creaked the door ajar, noticing that Kick was surrounded by 10 enemies, some faces being familiar, a tall, Nigerian, muscular man with headphones and sunglasses, holding a pistol at Kick's head. A slightly shorter man beside him, wearing sunglasses and a tall helmet; Hutch and Zero. Hesh slammed the door wide open and Hutch turned at the sound. Hesh then hid behind a black armchair and pulled out his pistol, with a jerk of a finger along with a slight recoil; Hesh shot Hutch in the back of his knees, Zero shot Kick through the shoulder. He grabbed Kick in a choke hold, Kick struggled underneath his grip, but quickly realized that if he moved an inch more he would be dead.

"Shoot again and the next is death for him!" Zero threatened, his Arabic accent digging deeper into his words. Pointing the gun more aggressively at Kick. Silas took initiative and within a flash she swiftly kicked Zero's right heel from underneath him and flung him to the ground, with a slam that alerted another Colonel and Lieutenant of KorTac.

The South Korean accent darted throughout the room.
A thick Austrian accent bellowed, the click of a pistol abruptly echoing throughout the darkly lit hall.

"Keegan, behind the couch! Now!" Silas ordered.
"Go now!"
Keegan shook his head and stayed put beside Kick.
She sighed deeply and quickly before knocking Zero out with his own pistol.
Her hand grasped the hot metal, before getting yanked back by a strong hand, the hem of her vest clasped around her throat and Silas started to suffocate.
She grasped the pistol hard, and pointed the pistol behind her back, pulling the trigger Silas shot Hutch's right hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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