Story of mikey

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Mikey's POV
Hi my name is Michelangelo, but people call me Mikey for short. Right here your gonna learn about my life. My brother Leonardo, or for short Leo, then Raphael, or for short Raph, then last but not least Donatello, for short it's Donnie.

Things were hard for me to get over of. My brother's have wife's and baby's with them.
And me I only have Master Splinter. I was the only one without a family, and my brothers hardly spent time with me.

Until, I met y/n l/n the female light fury.

I heard something in the back ground in the tunnels and I saw a girl with human skin, like dragon ears, Her teeth were like little oval shape's.

"H-hello w-what's your name?"

"My name is Y/n L/n. What about you?" She groaned while rubbing her head.

"My name is Michelangelo, but you can call me Mikey for short." I said. I hold my hand out for her. She looked at my hand, and grabbed it.

"Y-your pretty" I told her. She looked at me like I grew two heads. "T-thank you. Nobody has ever told me that!" She shouted hugging me. "Your welcome."

We started chatting and talking for like 3 months now. I grew a liking to her. I had to talk to her before she has a boyfriend. "Hey Y/n L/n I wanna have a talk" I said to her.

"Sure what's up?"

"this is hard to explain but don't make fun of me, okay?"

"Okay I won't. Just tell me?" She told me looking at me. I sigh, " like you a lot actually" I told her while looking around but her pretty eyes.  I waited for a response, what if she doesn't like me. What if she doesn't like me cause I'm weird or ugly.

"I- I like you to."

I looked at her, like she grew two heads. We kissed each other on the lips. We stopped cause we were running out of breath. "Mikey I wanna show you something." "Okay but what is it?" "You'll see"

She changed into a light fury dragon. "Cool right!" "Yeah cool! I wish I can turn into a dragon" "you wanna be turned into one?" She told me. "YES PLEASE!"

She took me to a cave where there was crystals around it. She put an ambulette, around my neck, for some reason I feel itchy. "If you feel itching the process means it's working just so you know" she told me. "Oh okay but does it really have to be that itchy?" I said while scratching my arm, head. "Yes sorry..."

"It's okay I don't mind"

(Mikey's dragon what he looks like on top and what you look like as a dragon on top also but back to the story but Mikey's tail is like toothless flag tail not his fake one)

"Wow" I looked around myself I was green without my turtle shell, and all that stuff. Y/n transformed into her light fury dragon form. She had orange coloring on her top of her dragon ears. Her eyes were purple.

"Mikey follow me" she told me "okie dokie" I said. I flew after her, we left New York until we got to the ocean. "Umm Y/n are we almost there?" "Yes Mikey we are" she flew done, I followed her. "Welcome to my kingdom Mikey, welcome to the hidden world, we're all the dragons went missing" she told me. "Wow!" I said shocked.

We go on this light crystal. We landed on it and Y/n told me to roar loudly while spreading my wings. I roared loudly spreading my wings. Y/n comes to my side, licking my head, putting her head under mind. "everyone may I present you the king Michelangelo or Mikey for short the hidden world king or should I say boyfriend of mine!" She shouted

Everyone roared loudly. But there was one thing I didn't know, was that all my brothers wife's saw everything. "weird humans in the cave!" I knew what that meant was my brothers wife's were here. I flew after them roaring them not to get them they obeyed.

Y/n looked at me. Flying after me, she helped me pick the other two up. "Mikey I didn't know this is your girlfriend?" Mona said. "Mikey look at us please.." April said. "Mikey listen, Mikey" y/n told me. I turned my head to look at them.

As the whole talking got done with, we met with my brothers and Master splinter. "My son is that you in that dragon body?" He took out his hand for me to come to him. I put my head in his hands, and he hugged me. I turned to my brother's and saw there wife's, baby's  there.

I turned my head to see Y/n roaring at me a little. She licked my head, and flew off to the hidden world, I knew the way back. This green color was around me changing me back to my turtle form. "Hi guys long time no see?" I told my brother breaking the silence.

"Hi Mikey why didn't you tell us you have a girlfriend?" Leo told me. "Well I had nobody home, I met her three months ago. She can turn human like April but she has her dragon ears and her tail also." I told them, I was running out of time talking to them.

They wanted me to stay. "Mikey don't go, who's gonna make us all laugh when we are on missions, who's gonna be Donnie's B-team partner, who's gonna be something that can put a smile on our faces when we have a bad day?" Leo said. "I know but I have a girlfriend now, I'm tired of being lonely everyday. I'm sick of being the only one that doesn't have a family and y'all have a family but not me." I said

"I wish we could spend time with you all of the years of you being by yourself but you have your own job to do Mikey. Bye Mikey good luck with your new life" Leo said as hugged me hard. "Bye Mikey" Raph and Donnie said in sync. I turned back into my dragon form, and I turned my head one more time.

They all waved back, I took off flapping my wings to go to my new home. I roared loudly for them. They all turned back to look at me one more time. They waved me bye. I waved back.

When I got to the hidden world. I found Y/n on a ground of sand, she looked tired, I turned around to see a nest of four eggs, that looks like mine and Y/n's. The first one had orange dots on it, the whole egg was white, the second egg had white spots on it, and the whole egg was orange.

The third one was half orange, half white. The fourth one was all white, had little dots of orange, green on them. They had little of green on all of them.

—— 60 days later——-

My eyes were on the eggs, waiting for them to hatch. "Mikey wikey, the eggs won't hatch yet silly we have to be patient." Y/n had a point there. "Your right." I was about to leave until I heard a hatching sound. Y/n heard it also.

She came next to me to lay down right next to me. The third egg that hatched was the half white, half orange, it's arms legs were green color like mine. Our first hatchling was a male, his name was Jordan Hamato, his eyes were purple color. Our second hatchling was a female, her name was Cadence Hamato, her eyes were blue color.

Her little ears were colored green, her nose was colored orange, her arms and legs are orange. Her flag tail was orange, half white. Our fourth hatchling, Max Hamato, he was a white dragon with little green on his arms. And his flag tail was half green. His half ears were orange. Last but one least, our first egg.

It was a male again, it had a Mini y/n but half green arms. And his eyes were light blue color, his ears were half orange. His name was Miguel Hamato.

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