Long time no see mikey?

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Mikey's POV
I haven't seen my family in so long. I forgot what there name's. Even there body. My girlfriend Y/n, she was a good mother, girlfriend. We let our kids play outside of our kingdom but one the rocks that lead to the kingdom.

Me and Y/n hated human's even mutant freak's who try to hurt our baby's. I heard y/n turn her head so quickly. I turned my head to see what it is. It was a human boat, coming straight for the hidden world. "Y/n stay here, and watch them."

"Already on it"

I got up, flapped my wings and flew down, onto the tip of the edge. I had my eyes slits. Until I heard "mama is he gonna eat us?!" The little green kid said.

"No sweetie, your dad knows him. Mikey probably forgot about them sweetie?"

I see three mutant turtle's try to come towards me. "Guys don't make no sudden move's, we need Mikey to remember us!" I smelt a something of my brother Donnie's scent.

"Wait where's Mikey's family?"

"Found them!" Casey said. He started using his roller skates to use them to fly near them. "CASEY NO!!" I turned around, I roared loudly. I flew up, gripping his two arms. "OW!" I made blood flow out of his arms with my claws.

I threw him onto the boat. I landed on the boat and I turned around. I looked at my little one's seeing them behind there mother. "Casey are you an idiot?! Do you realize what you have done?! That's Mikey's family you idiot!!" The purple turtle said.

"Wait....that's Mikey's family?...ohh!!" Casey said

I growled at them warning them to stay away from my family. "Umm honey raph I don't think he's happy." I looked at the kids. I realized they were my brothers kids. I put my eyes back to normal and round. I put my head towards them.

"U- hello uncle Mikey.." Mika said scared.

"Now put your hand out." Mona said. They all put there hands up towards my snout. I pushed my snout against them. They started laughing. I roared loudly. I was telling y/n to come here.

She landed on the boat,with my kids beside her. Everyone looked at y/n and my little ones. They ran to me, hugging me. "Papa your safe!" Cadence said. y/n came towards me. "let's bring them home." "I want to but what are the other dragons, will they say anything?" I said. "No Mikey."

I let Leo,Donnie,raph get on my back. There wife's hold onto y/n with there kids in there lap. I flew up, with y/n following after me. We looked beside us and see cadence tapping donna's hand.

We all flew down, until we got to the blue water. We flew straight past the crystals. We got past everything. We landed on the soft sand, my baby's landed in the water. My brothers got off my back, same with y/n.

I lied down, watching my kids play. "Hey Mikey, long time no see." Raph said. I roared slightly at him. I standed up, walking to my babies, and y/n. "He has a family Raph. He's doing his job to protect his own family." Mona said

Y/n started walking to me, putting our heads together, with our kids in between us. My brothers asked me if they could spend the night. I told them yes.


Mikey's POV still
We all woke up, we starting eating breakfast, we'll we ate fish, my brothers ate whatever they had. It was bath time now. "Bath time kids!" Y/n said.

Max, Jordan, and Miguel came to me. Cadence went to y/n. Y/n started licking Cadence clean, she was licking her head. Then she did her whole body. She was done with Cadence. I was done with the boys.

"hey Mikey I js wanted to say...come back home with us..." I shook my head as a no. My kids were my happiness, y/n to. Y/n was the last of her kind. I think I was the last of my kind. But we made offsprings together, and we loved our offsprings.

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