Religious thoughts? Myths and legends

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While humans of course have many religions - and many disputes and disagreements - the vast majority of steve's have come to a single conclusion: There's a place they go.

Some Steve's certainly think differently of this place, some believe it to be a place only for the best of steve kind, like heaven, others think that any steve will end up there - if they're willing.

There's common belief that one of the Steve's "Gods" (not quite gods in the way you or I imagine, but we'll get to that) is the very one who guides steves to this afterlife world. The Great Beyond.

Though many say that if you banter, barter, convince, or merely beg this man, there is chance you may stay for longer in the living world.

Sometimes as the living, and sometimes as something other, a disconnected spirit that can observe and help their loved ones in miniscule ways, and eventually call upon the man again, once they've become ready to leave.

Some think that The Great Beyond is for all, even those who've been not so great in life. However, said steves will not find the ease of access to The Great Beyond that others do.

Rather, they will become another type of other, mere observers of the passing generations, until it is believed that they've waited long enough. That they've grown and learned enough, to make the rest of the journey at the hooded guardian's side.


Now, human's tend to imagine Gods as everything, all knowing, all powerful, all encompassing, etc.

Gods to steves are merely workers. Some watch over the steves, some watch over the universe they inhabit, some guide spirits and keep the afterlife guarded, others keep an eye on time and make sure it runs smoothly. There may be one who watches over the very void itself - though the existence of such a steve is highly debated between different groups.

There's said to be a man, a steve, a God, who watches over all the knowledge there ever has been, is, or ever will be. He's said to aimlessly wander the halls of a grand library that holds all this knowledge, sorting it and keeping it tidy.

There's legend that he will accompany the very rare finder of this place for a cup of tea, some steves think this tea will show you everything you need to know in your life, all at once, but that once you've left the library the memories slowly fade..

It's thought that this library hasn't been found in many, many, many generations. It may no longer be accessible to the common steves of steve kind..


So yes, these gods are just more people. Strong, strong people, yes. With abilities unimaginable to the average steve. Powers so great that even the oldest, strongest, most knowledgeable elder couldn't comprehend.

But still people.

They're not all-anything, they merely do their jobs, content. Some steves speculate that one day, even the gods may pass away - the Guardian of the Great Beyond included; but not before they've appointed suitable successors and granted them the abilities they'll need to guide them in their long-lasting occupations.

There's an old folktale that says the great watcher god of the galaxies, time, and earth came down to mingle amongst common steve kind for a time, taking with him when he left two young steves - already stronger than they should be.

Some legends say these steves were apprentices, gone off to aide in watching time and elements. Others think that these steves were pitied by the god, swept up into the skies to escape the lives they led down on the ground. Who would know for sure?

Even the eldest elder was not yet a thought in the world's mind when this tale supposedly took place.


Some steves think that humankind came from steve kind, long, long ago. Though science has backed the truth in this, the common ancestors they certainly share, it is legend that holds answers for most.

It is told that in ancient times long past, there were steves who despised the powers they held. Those who could not control them, or could not come to appreciate them in the way steves of today do. Some who wanted to use their gifted abilities for horrible things.

This group of steves all together were stripped of their powers, some were glad, others were outraged, these were the first humans. Not as they're known today, but the first people without the gifted connection to the world they inhabit.

Without their special energy trace, these people led much shorter lives than their steve counterparts, passing multiple generations in the time that steve kind passed only one.

It is thought that the physical differences developed during this time, shorter lives, faster generations passing, the quicker that evolution could take hold.

The quicker that humans could grow in number, grow in ability - not ones of connection with the world, for no human could heal how a green steve could, nor bend the water as a blue steve could. Rather, abilities accessed through destruction.. Machinery, stripping of natural resources.. So, so many more things.

It seems that with their abilities - which connected them to the world - stripped away, so to went their love and compassion for the world itself.

It is no secret that humanity does not live with the earth as steves do, rather they live on it, and continue to take from it.

Never giving.

It has caused many a battle between human and steve kind, throughout the ages. Though at current times, even if peace is fickle, it is held.

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