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Look, LowkeyKosmic, I looked for those ref drawings damn near everywhere. I can not find them. They are either in a hidden folder, deleted, or on my old tablet (most likely option).

I managed to scrounge up a few very, very old little edits I did with them, and on top of that I'm going to give a detailed description of each, so bear with me 😅

Rainbow Steve:

Height; 5'6" (5'7" on a good day, lol)

Weight; 158lbs

He's got a leaner build, any extra fat gathers primarily in the low belly and around his neck to his cheeks.

Light skin tone, slightly tanned faced/hands from being outside so much.

He doesn't have much visible muscle, he's healthy (most body builders are either extremely dehydrated or starving, or both to make the muscles bulge out) but he is very strong, even if it isn't discernible from a glance.

His hair is dark red at the roots and it fades out into an almost-yellow shade of orange at the very ends, most of it is red and orange, which is why I so often describe it being firey.

His hair is kept shorter, it still passes his ears but just by an inch or so. He doesn't do much in way of styling and it often enjoys finding itself right in his eyes.

His left eye is a light blue, his right eye is deep violet. The shape of his eyes is rounded, more arch than there is slant. If you look up 'Almond eye shape' that's pretty close, but a little more slant on the inner side of the eyes.

His nose is medium, average I suppose, lol, the bridge is slightly dipped. His lips are a bit on the thin side, not pencil thin.

For clothing he often mixes and matches, doesn't matter if nothing is matching if the whole vibe is rainbow, lol. Though he does own matching outfits and when he primaries it's often something of darker tones. He wears purple sneaker-type shoes just about everywhere, not sure if he even owns a pair of dress shoes (probably not (yet)).


Nightmare Steve;

Height; 5'9"

Weight; 170lbs (give or take a few, depending.)

He has a similar build, a little more lanky as he's taller, kind of awkwardness with the 'ol limbs, but also a sort of fluid-sureness.

Skin is more pale, almost sickly so, but his skin tone is slightly darker than Rain's peachy one, he has an almost olive complexion.

Slightly more prominent muscle mass, but again with the looking healthy rather than strong. In reality he is a bit weaker physically, this ties into lore so I can't really explain much 😅.

He carries fat more prominently on the sides of his torso than the front, thighs and upper arms have a little bit of squish to them.

His hair is a dirty blond, unlike the brightly pigmented yellow or deep blond color you'll find in most yellow Steve's. It's lighter in the pigment, really blond instead of yellow, and there is a brownish tint some places almost like poorly done highlights.

It mostly blends when he brushes it, and doesn't look too much unnatural if you're judging the looks of human hair instead of a steves. He's really very human passing if not for the eyes.

His hair is long, it reaches just above his lower back, he keeps it in a simple braid most of the time (read: all of the time.) He doesn't like being seen with it down.

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