Ele and Time's backstory

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⚠⚠⚠ Spoiler warning, if it matters to you. ⚠⚠⚠

If not? Proceed and enjoy!


So, according to legend actually, Elemental and Time were once common steves, living down in the realm alongside.. Themselves, really.

They had each other, that's about it.

No family besides one another, their tiny, sad, found family in each other.

They were young, both abandoned for their differences, from tribes who did not wish to keep them around.

Ele was only six, Time was only nine.


It's unknown why any tribe would let go of such powerful young steves, so full of so much potential, so uniquely gifted despite being born to common parents: Ele to a Red and Yellow steve, Time to a Purple steve and a human.

Well then.. Perhaps that is the reason right there.

Mixing colours so long ago was viewed a terrible sin, one with disastrous consequences. But laying with a human?

Time may as well have been born a human girl for as "steve" as his tribe viewed him. Even his own steve parent, to an extent.


In comes Galaxy Steve, entering from left stage:

Galaxy took both young steves,with him to his home, when he found them, that fateful day.

He raised them, yes, but only with one purpose in mind; To have a watcher of the earth and elements, and to have a watcher of time.

So that he could cut down his own responsibilities.

He rushed their progress, he raised them with only their purposes in mind. The two did not grow in a loving home, rather in a constant school.

As a cherry on top - When the time came that he grant them the added energies to do their work, before he sent them on their way.. He erased their memories of one another.

He was worried they'd find distraction in one another, not do their jobs efficiently enough.

Galaxy sent them off to different parts of the universe, little pocket dimensions of their own, with memories not of each other nor of their teacher of all these years - memories only of their purpose to fulfill and the ways in which this was possible...

So they existed, the only way they knew how..


Safe to say, Elemental didn't get the greatest start in life.

Then of course add the whole: Never knowing anyone, never having a family, stressing for centuries about who he is and where he came from, only knowing that he must not let the world fucking explode or whatever

Just a teeny, tiny lil bit of reasons for his sociopathy.

But time didn't lose his memory >:]

Well, let me explain-

Time did have his memories wiped, however.. He met Void.

So Time Steve meets Void Steve, Void is shocked and confused: "You... you watch time? But- Galaxy is supposed to watch time..."

And if course Time has no memory of who Galaxy is, so he's confused.

So Void actually finds and confronts Galaxy, and it doesn't go the greatest.. Something along the lines of: "I knew you were fucking immature, but you split your duties?! You didn't even train a new watcher properly!?"

That sums it all up pretty well.


So. Void Steve fixes Time's memories

Which doesn't have anything to do with Memory, btw.

Void doesn't even know anything about Memory Steve, who Galaxy also "created," but at a different time. I can get to that here in a minute.


Time, now remembering his years before the only life he'd known for far more years, is of course freaking the ever loving fuck out.

He tries to find Ele, Void even tries to help him, but Ele almost never leaves the in between.

It's a pocket dimension, it's not somewhere they can sense him and they can't go there unless they were shown the way.

So, Elemental is unfindable..

This all took place many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many years before Nightmare was even a thought of the universe.

Well, time goes forward, as it does. Time Steve also moves forward, but he never stops passively looking..

It's just that until the last two centuries or so, there weren't any traces, but now? Especially with Nightmare in the picture, all the stuff happening in the Steve realm, there could be leads..

And Memory Steve plays a bigger part in this than you might think.

So where did Memory Steve come from?

Well, like I said before, Galaxy "created" Memory Steve to wipe his own memories of Time and Ele completely, because of the guilt of the results, which Void telling him off had revealed to him.

Basically, Galaxy couldn't handle his fuck up, so he had Memory Steve make it so it basically never happened, but only to Galaxy Steve.

He no longer has any memory of Elemental, Time, or reconnecting with Void for that brief, upsetting moment..

Galaxy then fucks off again to wherever he goes, probably to get a sandwich, and promptly never appears in my universe again.

Which is awesome!

Because now we know Memory Steve's also less-than-solid beginning.

After Galaxy he'd probably just wander, not really knowing what to do with this ability he hardly even knows how to control.

I think he'd have met Elemental through mere chance, not even knowing who he is, but feeling so oddly as if he knows him somehow...

Elemental offers help with him mastering his abilities, and Memory, having nowhere else to go, agrees.

Memory Steve has been one of Elemental's little helpers ever since. Since before Hypno, and of course before Nightmare..

Yet he doesn't even know who it is he's helping, although it became clear to him a long time ago that Elemental isn't a great person..

Memory has no one else, and he feels in his very bones that there's some thread connecting him to Elemental, so he can't just leave...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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