04: Celestia's Pov

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Celestia goes to her house, which she shares with her roommate whom is also her sister. "Hey, Luna, not staying long." She says as she trots passed her and passes on on the sofa. "Sister! Are you okay? Wake up! You mustn't sleep on the couch!" Celestia groans, and makes her way to her bed.

Hours later, Celestia wakes up only to realize Luna had already left. "So much for telling her I won't be here long." She gets up, and makes her way back to Chrysalis's house.

Knocking on the door for quite some time, she is about to leave but finally she is met with Chrysalis's rare smile upon opening the door for her. "Hello again, Chrysalis! May I come in?" Chrysalis thinks for a moment. "Sure! Make yourself at home." Celestia makes her way to the table near the entrance, and sits down. She can't seem to quite put her hoof on why she is feeling unwell. "Could I get you anything to drink?" Celestia looks up a little surprised. "Sure! Some tea would be fine." Chrysalis gives her a questioning look, as if to ask what was so surprising. "I didn't know you had any other drinks besides the love juice Twilight invented for changlings who don't want to reform, much less food!" She said, as she also noticed food in the fridge before it had closed all the way. "Yes, yes, I do indeed eat and drink."

"Do you mind telling me why you're here?" Chrysalis added. "Yes, actually. I just remember the reason vaguely, but I noticed you haven't had many friends since you moved to pony-vile even tho it's been quite some time? I was wondering if maybe you'd like to be friends?" Chrysalis choked on her water, looking up at her.

(MLP) Chrysalis's Love Spell {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now