Part 26

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Morning everyone were sitting on the dinning table having breakfast while all of them were thinking about the previous day when Tanu had put Abhi in jail. 

dida : Abhi what have you thought about tanu what are you planning to do?

Pragya: Mummy ji we haven't thought anything till now as of now the lawyers are handling the case. 

that is when prancer come down and see everyone sitting quietly think and eating their breakfast. 

Prachi: good morning everyone 

Pallavi: good morning bachaa come and eat breakfast both of you then you guys have to go to college also. 

Everyone was done with breakfast and the youngsters were about to leave for college when the door bell rang and Pragya went and opened the door and was surprised to see Akshay standing there. He walks inside the house and everyone is shocked except for Vikram and Abhi. 

Vikram: Akshay tum agay Abhi and I were waiting for. 

Prachi : tum yaha kya kar rahe ho you forgot what all you spoke about Ranbir 

Vikram : Prachi beta Akshay has realised his mistake and has asked forgiveness from us. 

Akshay : yes I am very sorry about what I told I did not mean to say all this about Ranbir. I am very sorry Prachi. Ranbir please forgive me I was completely out of line I really hope you can forgive me. 

Pallavi : Its okay Akshay tum ko apni galti realise ho gayi hai that is enough.

Ranbir: Its okay Akshay I forgive. 

Akshay : parch can you please forgive and can be becomes friends again. 

Prachi : okay I forgive and we can be friends but if you do anything like this again I swear I will never forgive ever again. 

Then everyone goes to office and all the youngsters to college. 

In college 

Ranbir to Aryan : I think Akshay has changes I am having very mixed feeling about him. 

Aryan : I don't think he has change. Ranbir I have to tell you something nobody knows this not Prachi or Shahana I don't know whether to tell you or not, if I tell you, you will have to promise me not to be mad or do something. 

Ranbir : what happened why are saying all thing tell me what happened. 

Aryan: No you first promise me you will be angry and will not do anything irrational in anger. 

Ranbir: okay I promise now tell me. 

Aryan : the last time he was here I had over heard a phone conversation between him and someone where he was tell the other person that he is in love with Prachi and is here to win her and her family's trust. then he won't telling him he has liked her from childhood but never got the courage to tell her but now he will try his luck. 

Ranbir was in shock and anger took over his body he looked at Aryan as though he would rip his head off his body.

Ranbir : why did you not tell me this before and why have you been quite all this time what is wrong with you?! you should have told me this when you got to know about it. what if he would have done something?!

Aryan : I did not tell because I knew how you would react and I knew Akshay would not be able to do anything till both of you are together. now don't think much about it  leave it he can't do  anything about I am there so don't worry. now its already 2:15 college is going to get over now lets go home did you forget you have planed a surprise at 5 for Prachi. 

Ranbir : no I haven't lets go the bell also just went let's go find the girls and leave. 

They all reach home . 

thank you for reading 


hope you liked it and if there are any changes or mistakes you want let me know ❤️

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