Chapter 11: Calm before the storm

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A/N: Hello, everyone. I apologize for the delay in posting the chapter. Life has been quite busy lately, and I can't promise regular updates. However, I'll do my best to share the next chapter. Your votes, ideas, and reviews would be greatly appreciated!

And yeah going for review due to lots of complaints regarding chapter 1, I rewrited it and add some new things I hope you like it

The next day, Alise, Aether and Ryuu went to patrol the dadeleus street. As they patrolled the city's streets, a sense of heaviness hung in the air. The trio couldn't help but notice the somber atmosphere that seemed to shroud the once vibrant city. Buildings stood tall and imposing, but the laughter and bustling activity that once filled the air were conspicuously absent.

Ryuu, ever perceptive, broke the silence, her voice tinged with concern, "Look at this place. It's like the town is dead. One can hardly believe Orario was once called the center of the world.."

Alise nodded in agreement, her gaze sweeping over the quiet alleys lined with shops protected by iron bars, "Everyone is looking gloomy, and there are iron bars on every shop to prevent shoplifting. People are sick of the crime rate of this place..." Her words trailed off, the weight of the situation settling on her shoulders like a heavy burden.

Ryuu replied with a somber tone, "Yeah. Everyone is always scared of what Evilus will do. It's frustrating that no matter how hard we work, we can't protect people's smiles."

Looking at Ryuu's expression, Alise couldn't help but feel her heart ache, "And what's worse is that things had already gotten better than before. It was way worse when you and I first met, Lion."

Both Ryuu and Alise kept chatting, their voices tinged with sadness as they reminisced about the past and the progress they had made in making the city safer. Meanwhile, Aether remained contemplative, absorbing the reality of the situation. The city, once bustling with adventurers and residents, now felt like a mere shadow of its former self. Evilus' recent activities had taken a toll, instilling fear and uncertainty among the people.

As they continued their patrol, they encountered a few citizens who greeted them with both gratitude and anxiety. The people appreciated the presence of Astraea Familia members, finding some comfort in their protective presence, but the underlying fear of the unknown was palpable.

Ryuu's eyes softened as she looked at a group of children playing in the distance. "The kids still find a way to smile, don't they?" she remarked, a hint of sadness in her voice.

Alise nodded, a faint smile touching her lips, "Yes, they're resilient little ones. I hope we can restore their carefree days soon."

Aether, too, couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. "We will," he said with conviction, "We'll do whatever it takes to protect them and bring back the city's vibrancy."

As the trio continued their patrol, they encountered various individuals sharing their concerns and stories. Some had lost loved ones to Evilus' sinister actions, while others were struggling to rebuild their lives after their homes were damaged or destroyed.

Alise couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of responsibility weighing on her shoulders. "We need to find out what Evilus is after and put an end to this. We can't allow them to cause more suffering," she declared, her voice resolute.

Ryuu and Aether nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthened by each passing moment. They knew that their role as adventurers went beyond seeking fame and fortune; it was about protecting the people and bringing hope to those in need.

While they were discussing their plans, a young girl timidly approached them, her eyes brimming with gratitude. "Look! It's Astraea Familia!" she said happily, "I wanted to thank you all for saving me the other day. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

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