Chapter One: Berica

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Bens Dorm 

March 22, 2026

0745 hours 

Btw Ben is 18 and Erica is 19.

Bens POV

              I woke up to the smell of lilacs and gunpowder and immediately knew why I saw a dark figure in the corner "Good morning, Erica." I said in a sleepy voice. As usual Erica was absolutely stunning. "Good morning" she said in a colder tone than usual. I wanted to ask what's wrong but I knew that she would not tell me so I left it alone for now. 

             "Do you want to join me for breakfast?"she asked "Is that even a question?"I said with a smirk on my face. She laughed a little which was surprising. Even though Erica opened up to me more than anyone she was still very distant." Give me 15 minutes to take a shower and get dressed." Over the past 6 months I have worked out a lot more I am even faster than Erica when it comes to running believe it or not. As an addition to being faster and jacked I went from failing most of my hands on/combat courses to being the 2nd best student in the school and you already know is first. "Ok meet me in the mess" and she left.

             Once I finished my shower I headed down. Once I was there I saw Zoe, Mike, Jawa and Chip. They waved me over."Have you seen Erica she asked to meet with me?" As soon as I said that I saw a smirk on Mike's face, I rolled my eyes. "She's over there."Zoe said as she was pointing toward the corner of the room. "Do you know what is wrong?" Zoe said with a concerned look on her face. I walked up to her, "Are you ok?" I said. She shook her head and started to tear up. I held her close to me as she explained what was wrong. 

           "It's my grandfather..." she said whimpering. "Hes g-g-g-one."she said. "Oh, Erica I'm sorry for your loss. How did it happen?" I said with a very sad tone. Even though I was hated by Cyrus I very much appreciated him and respected him, and he was the best spy in the CIA so I also looked up to him. "It was a stroke which was very surprising because he was in great health. He was everything to me I loved him more than my own father, he made me into the person I am today." she said with an absolute deviation to her voice. "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Yes there is. Can you just hold me tight and stay with me?" she said with a hit of hope I would say yes. " Anything for you Erica."

             Once breakfast was over we went to her room and she talked about memories about him. At some points she was crying and others she was laughing. After a couple of hours she said "Ben, you are the best person in the world you're amazing and kind and all around cute..." I blushed at this comment"...and i'm sorry you are missing your classes because I am laying all my problems on you like this." then I said " Don't be sorry you are going through a very hard time so you have no reason to be sorry" she smiled, leaned and kissed me passionately. It lasted for 2 minutes 24 seconds and then she pulled away and blushed. Before I could say something she kissed me again and she started to strip down but I stopped her. " I think I should go now I don't think you are thinking straight you should get some rest" and that's when things went downhill. "What f*ck do you mean you have to go? Also WTF do you mean i'm not thinking straight maybe you aren't thinking straight. You have had a crush on me for 5 years now and now that I am doing something you want to leave?!? You know what get the F*ck out and don't ever come back, a**hole!!!" she screamed. 

                                                              Time skips to the following day.

            I didn't get any sleep because I was sad that Erica was MAD at me. I was just getting out when I heard a knock on the door. I quickly put clothes on and opened it and to my surprise it was Erica. " Can I come in?" she said with an embarrassed tone. "Oh yeah sorry." "Is it ok to talk at 2100 tonight?" "Were?" I said "Somewhere only we know." and she left.

                                                                             Time skips to 2100 

            I finally got to The Washington Monument, entered the code and walked in. "Hi Ben" Erica said "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked a was a little harsher than I intended  "About what happened yesterday." I got a little tense when she said that. "I'm sorry I yelled you didn't deserve that, and you were right I was not thinking straight. I would never use your body to pleasure myself just because I hit a rough patch. My mind was clouded by emotion with everything that happened yesterday. I'm sorry, will you forgive me please?" " Is the great Erica Hale Asking for forgiveness?" she looked a little ticked off but that's fine but before she could say anything I said " Over course I forgive you I could never stay mad at you." 

                                                                                  2 hours later 

           (904 words not including this) Pick and chose what happened in those 2 hours 😏. THERE WILL BE A PART 2 LATER TONIGHT. But until then have a Great Morning/Day/Night!!!

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