1 | Unrecalled Memories

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Today was a day like no other. But it had all changed in just the course of one night.

Aizawa stood at the front of Class 1-A, the most chaotic group he'd ever taught in his years of teaching at U.A. Of course, they were just first years, but in the last year, they'd proven to be more heroic than half of the pro-heroes in today's society.

People like Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya rush in despite being told not to. But they get the job done. If you don't count the horrendous amount of injuries they gained doing it.

"Problem children, settle down." Aizawa said tiredly.

The class quietened down at that. But, something was.. wrong. His eyes darted across the classroom, desperate to know what his gut was telling him. At last, he finally noticed Midoriya's empty seat.

Was he sick? If he was, he should've told me.

"Does anyone know where Midoriya is?" he pinched the bridge of his nose, annoyed.

The class looked back at him with looks of confusion and amusement. Their teacher had finally gone insane.

"Sir, who's that?" Kaminari asked, hand raised.

Does he really not remember his own classmate?

"Izuku Midoriya, seat eighteen. Your classmate."

Iida stood up, doing weird hand movements. "Sir, on behalf of the class, we deserve to know who this Midoriya person is."

Wait, Iida doesn't remember him?

"Green hair, freckles, green eyes, this short," The class just looked blankly, genuinely confused. "Do you all really not remember him?"

Most of the class shook their heads. Soon, some started to chat and ask who this 'Midoriya' was. They theorised if he was a new student or something. But, at the front, Aizawa was.. dumbfounded. Yesterday, 1-A was hanging out with the boy and today they couldn't remember him at all?

Something was definitely not right.

Shota sipped his coffee, while trying to think of what exactly happened to his class. They couldn't even remember their own classmate, for All Might's sake! It was worrying him, though he'd hate to admit it. He wondered if they were hit by a quirk or simply tricking the ravenette into thinking such things.

Soon, mteachers entered the room such as Midnight, Vlad King and All Might.

Aizawa set his cup down. "Hizashi."

Yamada looked up from whatever news article he was reading. "Yeah, Sho?" he questioned.

"I think something's wrong with my students."

The blonde laughed. "What did they do this time? Were they seated quietly before you came in? Were they silent before you could tell them to shut up?"

Aizawa glared at him. "Not that kind of wrong." he picked up his mug again. "I asked them where Midoriya was and it was like they'd forgotten their own classmate. Even Iida questioned who he was. It was.. strange."

"Could it be a memory quirk or a prank?" Yamada asked, before his face lit up slightly. "Oh, yeah, you know that Hitoshi kid you talked 'bout yesterday?"


"Well, I noticed he's been acting strange too. Like, he's been blushing crazily for no reason and he's started muttering like Midoriya too.. it was kind of creepy.. " Hizashi explained, shuddering at the former memory.

Aizawa sighed half-heartedly. This was not the time for his husband to be dramatic. But the information was important.

He set down his mug. He could deal with that kind of strange later when he trained the 1-C student. He refocused on the current problem. "You said it could be a memory quirk, yes?" Hizashi nodded, signalling for Shota to continue. "Well, that could be a number of things. Someone could've used a memory-type quirk to erase Midoriya from class 1A's memories, but why? What was their motive?"

Nemuri creeped up behind Hizashi. "What 'cha talking 'bout?"

Shota sighed. How did he end up with such obnoxiously loud friends? "We were discussing how my class has forgotten their classmate, Izuku Midoriya."

"Midoriya?" The R-Rated Hero questioned, face full of confusion. Had her friend been so sleep-deprived that he was making up people? "Who's that?"

Aizawa froze, his heart skipping a beat.

His own colleague didn't remember the boy?

Just how far could their quirk reach?

How long would it last?

And what was their motive?

He thought about the League Of Villains. They had powerful quirks and had targeted U.A, specifically Class 1-A and their students. But, would they go as far as to risk kidnapping another student? Not to mention, the student in question had a powerful quirk that could defeat them in seconds.

Aizawa face-palmed mentally. That was probably the whole reason why he was kidnapped. Their motive. Midoriya has a strong quirk, a heroic spirit, and not to mention he's the class sunshine. Just taking him out of the picture would bring the whole class down. But why erase memories of him? Wouldn't that be pointless? And why did they keep Aizawa and Hizashi's memories, but no one else's?

That struck a thought. How many people did they erase memories from? Who didn't they erase memories from? That was the question he had to think about.

If he could find any pro-heroes who remembered the greenette, he and Hizashi could have help in finding and rescuing the student. But first, they had to interrogate the staff.

Shinsou leaned up against the wall, as he thought about his precious love. He didn't know why, but he found interest in watching the greenette. But, then again, he didn't care.

He thought about those he forgot to erase memories from. Aizawa, his own mentor, and Present Mic, his mentor's husband. He had convinced himself it wouldn't fault his plan, but at the same time, he was skeptical.

Aizawa was smart. He was an underground hero after all. Attention to detail was drilled into his brain, which could be fatal on his behalf. He could probably figure out some clues, but hopefully not get far. As for Present Mic, he was somewhat smart as well. But, he often jumped to conclusions too quickly.

Hitoshi's face heated up, looking extremely red. He giggled quietly, thinking about how he would see his love again tonight. He loved seeing Izuku, especially that determined look on his face. That determined look when he tried to convince Hitoshi that people would, or rather did, remember him.

Midoriya was determined that people hadn't forgotten him. It was laughable, in his eyes. He had been the one to erase their memories, after all.

Oh, and that resistance he has. Midoriya still believed that U.A would find him and 'save' him. He chuckled, how could they find him when they had no memories of the greenette?

Oh, how wrong he was.

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