Calling all readers!! (Update again lolol)

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sooo, you may have noticed I didn't update last Wednesday- So you see...

Imma need to change the update schedule. School is my top priority, and then you know my life and then this book, and my schedule has been very cramped lately. (Deadlines boooooooo)

Right now, I have another project in the works over on Webtoon, and then another project in the works, so I'm kinda swamped with stuff. 

BUT, i'm not dropping MOTM. I love this book and I love you loving this book. For now, until i can find a better way to manage my shtuff, I'm going to post the first wednesday of each month and the last wednesday of every month. 

I'm not goin' to update this month, sorry. 😖

Right now imma work on chaps. didn't want to leave you all hanging! <3

Love you so so sooooo much! till next time
~Fiona Penn

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