Burlesque Returns

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It was ten minutes past the hour and the dimly lit room was shrouded in an air of anticipation. Tommy was impatient and not ready to wait any longer, he had a business to run, you see. Behind him, the soft, seductive notes of a saxophone filled the space as the black curtain slowly rose before his eyes, revealing a sultry stage bathed in a single spotlight. You stood there, hidden behind a veil of crimson silk, your heart pounding in rhythm with the music.

With slow, deliberate movements, you let the silk scarf slip from your fingers, allowing it to cascade to the floor. Your eyes, framed by long lashes coated in midnight black mascara, sparkled with mischief as you batted them at the audience. The soft sighs and hushed whispers of desire filled the room. Tommy was holding back on a small groan of pain from withholding himself.

Your dress clung to every curve, its deep V-neck plunging down to reveal your ample cleavage, while the slit up the side showcased one of your long, sculpted legs. Your fingers danced lightly over your exposed skin, tracing a path from thigh to hip, drawing attention to the lacy garters that held up sheer stockings hidden underneath.

The saxophonist's melody grew more insistent, mirroring the pulse of desire in the room. You turned slowly, trying to disguise the fact that you were looking for him, hips swaying sensually, the dress following your every move. The audience was captivated by you, the enchantress, on stage, unable to tear their eyes away.

Your gaze swept across the room, searching for him. You knew he was out there, watching you with rapt attention. A sly smile played on your lips as you licked them, the bright crimson lipstick drawing his eyes like a magnet. Tommy was windswept with emotions, unable to control them much longer. His legs were splayed apart, hand resting between them on his crotch area, slumping back on his chair. He had the best seat in the house.

Reaching for the hem of your dress, you let it ride up your thigh, revealing a tantalising glimpse of what lay beneath. Gasps of excitement and desire rippled through the audience as you teased them, then just as quickly dropped the dress back down, leaving them hungry for more. You had yet to spot him in the crowd but you just knew Tommy wouldn't be able to resist such a cheeky move.

Your body moved like a seductive melody, a dance of desire that left the audience spellbound. Every sway of your hips was a tantalising invitation, drawing them deeper into your sensual web. Your legs, long and sculpted, glided gracefully across the stage, accentuating your every curve.

As you turned, your dress clung to you like a lover's caress, revealing hints of your bare skin before concealing them once more. Your hands, gloved in black satin, became extensions of your desire, tracing delicate paths along your exposed thigh, up to your hip, and back down again. It was a tease, an erotic game of hide and seek that left Tommy yearning for more.
Your lips, painted a bold crimson parted slightly to reveal a glimpse of your pearly teeth as your tongue traced their contours. You knew the power of your mouth, the promise it held, and you used it to perfection, drawing their gaze to your every wordless invitation.

Your eyes, smokey and mysterious, held a secret that only the lucky few would ever truly uncover. They smouldered with a fiery intensity, locking onto your chosen spectator, a silent promise of passion and pleasure.

When you leaned down, your legs spread apart, revealing the lace-trimmed edge of your lingerie, the audience gasped collectively. It was a daring move, a deliberate provocation, and they revelled in it. You knew how to manipulate their desire, to make it your own.
Searching one last time, the blinding lights no longer stopping you as you step forward, you manage to spot him in the front row. He was hardly hiding the fact that he was most certainly aroused. You pretended not to notice and calculate your next moves carefully.

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