Honey and Lemon Tea

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Running her hand along with the paper, she grips the pencil as she creates a smooth, curved line. Amelia had already sketched out the basic measurements for the body she was going to draw and was going over some of the lines that she was confident with, in a harder pencil. Some of the measurements had been slightly off but she knew that she'd be able to fix them.

Switching to a softer pencil, she outlines where she wants the body to start and end where she wants curves and definition to parts of the body. The limbs were slowly coming to life and the face was lightly sketched but every time she came back to the overall shape, something was wrong.

"Oh for goodness sake!" Amelia exclaims.

Fighting the urge to throw the pencil across the room, she puts it back down on her drafting table.

Amelia wasn't rich, merely had friends in high places... kind of.

Tommy had gotten it for Amelia. She had shown a desire towards owning one and how much easier it would make her drawing for clients. To Amelia's surprise, he had been paying attention that day and he had gifted it to her for her birthday.

It was one of the first signs made obvious to Amelia of his desire for her. He hadn't realised it much either but when he gave it to her, hands over her eyes as he led her into her own living room, and he saw her face, he realised that this may be a confession of his adoration towards her.

"Amelia, what's wrong?"

"Oh, Tommy," she replies as he walks into the room, "what isn't? This request is driving me up my fuckin' walls."

Thomas chuckles lightly at her frustration, "It'll become something gorgeous soon, they always do."

Amelia sighs, "I know," she mutters, "but no one ever gives me a second look-in after they ask if I can draw this and that or those — or whatever other rubbish they ask for!"

Pushing herself off of her chair she stands with her hand in her hair, bunching it until it knots out of frustration as she stares at the floor, contemplating all the moments in her life leading up until this current one.

"Hey," Tommy says, walking over, Amelia notices the glint of his pocket watch — a new pocket watch.

"When did you get that?" she asks, interested in where he got the money for it.

Tommy smiles, a rare sight for most, "Well, since Kimber is no more, we are bringing in his share of the money, for us."

"Is that how you..." she trailed off, motioning her head towards the drafting desk.


Amelia sighs, her raven-like hair falling loosely past her shoulders, "I know he was a bastard of a man but if I had taken Kimber up on one of his ghastly drawing suggestions I probably would've hit it big."

She lifts her head to look at Tommy's face, he was studying you as you did him, Amelia smiled a crooked smile, feeling weak from her current hiccup in her art.

Tommy holds an arm out, "C'mere."

Amelia trudges towards him, "hm?"

She rests her head on his chest, breathing in his cologne and calming her nerves, focusing on only him to steady herself.

"Amelia, you are the most talented person I have ever met and probably ever will meet in this dark and illegal world I've created for myself but you know what? You've always been the light at the end of the tunnel for me; whatever you do, I will support."

His chin rests on your head, he wasn't tall but she wasn't either, and rests a hand on the back of her head, holding her close to his heart.

"Would you like me to get you something?" he asks, gesturing to her drafting table, "More paper, pencils, graphite?"

"No, Tommy, you've done far too much for me over the years, I only wish I could repay you, buy you something nice every once in a while; spend a day with you when I'm not drawing or in the studio and you're not working, you know?"

Tommy reaches into his trouser pocket and pulls out a few pound notes rolled up, "you can borrow some money if you like, find something for yourself along the way," he offers.

"No, I just want to do it out of my own pocket, it makes me feel accomplished, even if just a little."

He nods and puts the money away.

Amelia wraps her arms around his torso and takes a deep breath, "you're always good to me, Tommy, don't ever stop; you make me feel so special."

Tommy plays with her hair and mumbles, "What did I ever do to deserve you, eh?"

Amelia smiles and nestles her head into the crook of his neck and breathes in his cologne, calming herself down.

Tommy glances down at Amelia's angelic features and thinks to himself, you know, sometimes, it's the little details that take up the most room in your heart.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" he says.

Amelia lifts her head to glance at Tommy and blushes and when his face doesn't waver she giggles at him, "Thank you... Thomas."

He brings his hand up to her face; she closes her eyes and leans into his hand as he rests the palm of his hand on her cheek. He caresses her face with his thumb and drinks in her beauty.

Her long lashes that framed her eyes and the natural glow that she radiated always made him want to kiss her eyelids softly and so he did.

When he had finished, Amelia opened her eyes and gazed up at Tommy. She stood on her tiptoes, held his face in her hands and kissed his lips lightly, fluttering her eyes closed.

Against his lips, she whispers, "You are every hope I had in human form."

"You are much better than any wish I could have ever made," he says and kisses her back. As he pulls away he reminds her of her drawing by nodding towards it.

"Honey and lemon tea?" she asks, he merely nods and places the kettle over the stove.

Amelia sits down in front of her drawing, closes her eyes and thinks about everything that was annoying her in the first place before scrunching her nose up and mentally filing these things into a box at the back of her mind. She takes a deep breath and glances down at her drawing and clears her space around her.

Hearing the kettle steaming in the kitchen, she patiently waits for Tommy to pour some honey and squeeze a little lemon into her tea before tackling her drawing again.

Amelia smiles, now calm and with the hot cup of tea that Tommy had poured for her and was focusing on her own impossible task at hand.

Keeping her cool, she draws lines and shapes and body forms until she thinks she has found the one she likes the most. Smiling at her own personal achievement she begins to add tone and shading to her drawing, outlining features she liked the most and managed to create a drawing she was proud of.

"I told you that you know how to fix it all," Tommy says, walking over and wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"Only because of you, my love, only because of you..." she mumbles as she leans back into Tommy's embrace, finally content.

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