Early Morning Returns

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[01:02] Tommy closed the door behind him, allowing a thud to reverberate through the walls on the first floor. A few of the photo frames that hung on the wall rattled and the china lining the wooden sideboard in the hallway jumped from their positions.

Sighing, he draped his bloodied coat and flat cap over the back of an armchair.

He trudged up the stairs, barely flicking his eyes to see his reflection in the mirror at the top of the stairs; he knew why he looked like.

"Tommy," you murmured, rubbing your eyes as you heard him padding into the room, "is that you?"

He shuffles around before kicking off his shoes and walking over to the bed that you shared together.

"Yes, love, it's me," he says and you feel the bed dip from his body weight as he got under the covers behind you.

As he got in, his musk engulfed you, along with a thick, coppery smell. You scrunched you're nose at the realisation of what it was, "Tommy is that blood?"

"Not now, y/n, please. Just let me be with you," he breathed out, his voice shaking ever so slightly. Cautiously he wrapped his arms around your torso and you snuggled into his embrace.

Sleepily, you replied, "As long as you're safe," and closed your eyes once more as he rested his forehead on the back of your neck, placing a single kiss as the base of your neck and allowing the sleep to take him over.

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something short and sweet while i'm not feeling great for writing!


send them on my tumblr!


(it's also on my profile incase you cba to ctrl+c ctrl+v)

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