Down to the River

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"Tommy," you whine over him talking on the phone, flailing your arms around and pouting, "you said we'd do something nice when you finished working but it's been over an hour and it's getting later in the day and I'm hungry and -- "

Tommy walks up to you, phone long forgotten and wraps his arms around your waist before lifting you off the ground and spinning you around, making your squeal from the sudden change in behaviour.

"I did and I'm sorry it took so long but when you walked in and started pouting like that, well, that made my mind up."

You quirk an eyebrow at him, "Made your mind up, how?"

"I've finished for the day, whether others like it or not. I am the boss after all and who wants to dispute the boss' actions?"

He places you down on the floor after the excitement of the moment has passed and the anticipation sets in.

You're practically bouncing when he asks, "What do you want to do then, eh?" and as your smile widens, back stands taller and hands come to meet each other in front of your chest, you let out a squeal and begin, "Tommy, you don't know just how long I've been waiting for such freedom with you," your eyes glint under the sunlight passing through the window and brightens your face, making you that much more appealing to Tommy as he drinks you in.

Tommy offers you a smile, something you never took for granted as it had become a rare occurrence as of recent.

"I'm glad you're looking forward to this but the longer you stand there the less time we get to be doing whatever it is that you've so desperately wanted to do for so long."

"Let's go down to the river; I've wanted to go down on a lovely day for so long and I could ask someone in the kitchen to whip us something small up to nibble on," you're out of the room before he could reply and skip down the stairs with glee making quick work about asking for something to snack on and pulling out an old blanket that the two of you could sit on by the river bank.

The soft padding of Tommy's feet along the staircase makes you look up; he'd changed into one of his comfier fitting outfits that he didn't use for the office and was holding onto a bottle of wine in his left hand.

You gasp, "Is that the wine I bought and lost instantly, the one I said was my favourite?"

Tommy's eyes meet yours and nods as he puts it down on the sideboard, "I hid it because I could never remember what it was called and this way I could get some more before you drank it all."

"Tommy," you giggle, "first of all, you make me sound like a wino, secondly, does this maybe mean...?"

His grin returns once again and you throw your arms around his neck and place a kiss full-on his lips, "Okay maybe after that display of affection over a bottle of wine I perhaps look like a wino," you feel the heat rising from your chest but Tommy doesn't notice and presses another kiss to your lips, wanting nothing more than to feel you against him and to feel the light and laughter you brought to him for as long as he could.

"Alright," he mutters, leaning his forehead against yours, "let's go down to the river before I change my mind."

"Change your mind, eh, Tommy?" You tease.

"Do you want to go down to the river or not?"

"Well," you begin, "I wouldn't mind if you changed your mind afterwards."

"Then it's settled. Lunch then sex," he grabs your hand and the bottle of wine in the other, one of the kitchen staff hands you the blanket you had put down briefly to kiss Tommy and puts a parcel on top before wishing you a nice afternoon.

You remain smiling, trying to pretend like Tommy hadn't just stated your business for anyone within earshot to hear and make your way down to the river.

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