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I got my stuff ready and headed to the DX with pony. I lived here my whole life it's just a new school for me. But anyways we was walking when pony started to talk. "So y/n you new around here?" He asked warmly. "No I've lived here my whole life it's just a new school and new people for me I lived on the other side of here but I've never heard or seen Bob and his other people before." I say.

"Yeah sorry again for him he's not a good person at all." He said. I looked at pony and noticed small little bleach spots in his har. "What happened to your hair?" I asked not trying to sound rude or anything. "Oh that's a story I'm going to have to tell you later you know when we get to know each other more." He smiled at me. "Okay pony." I elbowed him while laughing. He laughed along with me. He was really good looking.

We reached the DX. "Hey pony who you got with you?" Someone asked. "This is y/n and this is soda." Pony said. "Well hi y/n." He said. I didn't say anything just waved. "Hey pony" another person said. "Hey Steve" he said. "Who's this?" He asked. "I'm y/n" I said smiling. "How old are you?" He asked. "14" I say. "Oh." He looked at pony. "If you don't get home ponyboy Darry is gonna skin ya" soda said. Pony looked at his time. "Oh no" he said. "Y/n let's go." He said. "Bye it was nice meeting you." I said running to catch up with pony. "There is something about the way pony looks at her tells me he likes her." Soda said. "Yeah who would blame him she is good lookin." Steve said.

We made it to pony's house. "Darry I'm home and brought somebody to you to meet." He shouted there was 4 people sitting in the house. "Perfect made a lot tonight." Darry shouted. "Aye man who you got here nice looking broad right Johnny." He elbowed a kid next to him that I'm guessing was Johnny. "I'm y/n."
I said smiling warmly. "Yeah bob Sheldon was messing with her today and he cornered her and would let her go so I had to enter fear." Pony said. "Bob Sheldon man." Johnny said. "Anyways enough chatting I'm dally Winston" dally said. "And I'm Johnny." They all said there names except one person. I realized he was watching Mickey Mouse. "Oh my god I love Mickey Mouse." With that I sat beside him and started to watch with him. "No way pony I like this broad we should keep her around." He said. I laughed. "I'm two bit by the way." He said. "I'm y/n" I said. "Darry got any chocolate cake." Two asked. "Yeah in the fridge don't eat to much dinner is being cooked." He said.
"Chocolate cake too." I said. "You like chocolate cake?" Two bit asked. "Yeah I love chocolate cake." I said laughing. "Yeah pony we are definitely keeping her around."

I laughed and two but got up. Pony sat beside me.

I yawned. "I should be getting home it's getting late outside." I said standing up. "Want us to walk with you?" Pony asked. "No I should be fine." I said walking out of the door.

Word count 571

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