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I was walking. "Man it's freezing." I heard an engine behind me again. Oh no I know that engine. I picked up the pace and the engine got louder. "Hey you" I ignored and started running at this point they all was running to me. I tripped on a rock and fell scraping my knees. They just caught up to me. "What do you think we should do to her?" Randy asked. Just then bob pulled out a blade. "Hold her down will ya." He said. Just then randy held me down as bob started cutting my cheek legs arms. I screamed it hurt so fucking bad. "Shut her up will ya!" Randy shouted as someone threw a cloth at him. I was fighting to stay awake my body was in so much pain.

I tried so hard to fight back as bob starting slicing me. But it was no use. I just blacked out.

Word count 157
I know I know it's so short but because I wanted this chapter to be just about y/n getting jumped.<3

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