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I woke up on the cold pavement. No one in sight. I got up limping back the pony's house he was the closest that's why I was going there. I was holding my stomach and head from were bob kicked home hard. It hurt to even move. Eventually it took about an hour of limping and almost passing out again due to the pain I finally reached pony's house I banged on the door keeping my strength just a little longer.

Pony opened the door. "Oh my god y/n" he said while shouting for Darry. As Darry ran to the door I blacked out again.

Pony boys pov:
After y/n left I was kinda sad she had to go but mainly worried she might get jumped. "Kid that uh broad do you like her or something?" Dally asked. "I mean yeah I've saw her here a few times but never talked to her I played it off as I didn't know her though." I said. "Okay." Dally said.

About 3 hours later I just got up from watching Mickey Mouse with two bit when I heard a bang on the door. As I opened it up I say y/n all beat up slashes all over her she was holding her stomach and head. "Oh my god y/n" I shouted for Darry. As Darry was rushing over to see what had happened. Y/n passed out. "What happened to her." Darry asked. "I don't know I guess getting jumped." I said. Darry picked her up laying her on the couch. Dally two and Jonny were all watching as Darry layed her gently on the couch. "Get me the first aid kit." He said two ran and got it handing it to Darry.

He first started with the gashes and scrapes and small cuts. I mentioned how she was hold her stomach. Darry lifted her shirt revealing her stomach. It was bad. He then started cleaning and attending to it.

Back to y/n pov:

I woke up feeling swore. "Y/n you are up" he said. "Can I call my mom I need to call her?"
I asked. "Sure but you are staying here tonight" he said. "Ok I know."

I called my mom until she finally answered. "Hello?" She said. "Mom" I say. "Oh my god y/n we're are you it's 4:00 in the morning." She said. "I know mom I got jumped today I'm staying at a friends house okay?" I said. "Yeah that's fine please be careful." She said. "I will love you bye." With that I hung up.

I was laying on the couch trying to fall asleep when pony who I thought feel asleep all ready asked me something. "Y/n?" "Yeah" I said back.

Pony: you know how I asked if you was new here?
Y/n: yeah why?
Pony: I knew you wasn't knew here I actually saw you a few times.
Y/n: I know pony to be honest I was acting like I didn't know you when I knew Sam well who you were.
Pony: oh
Y/n: yeah.

I knew pony for a while and had a huge crush on him since.

Pony: y/n?
Y/n: what's up?
Pony: nothing it is fine.
Y/n: tell me pony.
Pony: maybe later.

I just nodded my head and drifted to sleep.

We word count 566

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