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When I woke up I looked at the time .
Y/n only 7:30 I'm too tired.
I said jerking in pain. I looked at the bandage cuts and gashes the through out of my body. I came across my stomach. That hurt the most.
Y/n: ouch. That hurts.
I said moving my hand off of my stomach.
Pony: don't touch it y/n.
Y/n: okay okay. I'm so sore.
Pony: I'll bet it is.
I sit up and immediately laid back down.
Darry: try no to move kid.
Y/n: okay I'll try.

I looked at pony. After Darry left with soda and Steve.
Y/n: pony?
Pony: yes
Y/n: can you tell me what happened now.
I smiled at him.
Pony: sure.
He went on about how he ran to a church because he thought he killed Bob. Then how he bleached his hair. Then how the church caught on fire. Johnny almost died. Ext
Y/n: oh I'm sorry ponyboy.
Pony: eh it's fine.

About 2 months later.
"Y/n!" Pony shouted from down the hallway. ""Hey pony" I said smiling. "Do you want to got to the DX with me?" He said. "Sure I don't care." I said. "Great the whole gang is going to be there." He said. "Okay!" I said.

We reached the DX and the snobby brat Cherry was there.
Cherry: oh hey pony.
Pony: he Cherry
The started chatting and flirting. Something fluttered in my stomach. Jealousy? Just then a strong pair of hands grab me from behind.
Luke: we'll hey there princess.
Y/n: oh my god Luke.
Pony and the gang stopped giving Cherry the attention and turned to me.
Pony: did he just call you princess?
Dally: yeah I think he did.
Luke: um y/n who are these people?
Y/n: pony. Dally. Soda. Darry. Johnny. Steve. Two bit.
Luke: mhm anyways so what would you like todo princess I'm here for a few days.
I looked at pony who looked jealous, I didn't care he didn't care when Cherry and him was flirting.
Y/n: it don't matter.
Luke: we're would you like Togo.
Y/n: we can go for a walk. I don't know though my stomach hurts still.
Pony: that's why you shouldn't go on that walk.
Y/n: you guys can come if you want?
I asked the gang because they kept staring.
Immediately they all said yes.

We started walking I was beside Luke he was being up the past which made me laugh. I heard the a engine. Pony Immediately jumped in front of me.
Bob: move it grease ball.
He said while getting out of his car.
Dally hoped in.
Dally: you better leave.
Randy: we just want the lady.
Luke looked at me and saw the scared in my eyes.
Luke: she ain't going anywhere with you get lost.
Bob: Luke since when did you start hanging around the poor.
Luke: nun of your damn business.
Bob: Luke we are best buds just hand us over the girl.
Luke: no!
He shouted pushing me father behind him.
Y/n: enough!
I screamed. They all looked at me.
Y/n if the want me this doesn't make it better just ignore them and let's go.
Luke laughed.
Y/n: what's so funny?
Luke: Oh nothing.
Bob: come on Luke tell her your plan.
Y/n: plan?
Bob: oh yeah we had this plan we're Luke would be your best friend so I could get closer to you.
Y/n: no y-your lying.
Luke didn't say anything just laughed harder.
Y/n: what ever.
I started running.
Pony: y/n wait.
I didn't stop. I kept running my heart hurt. How could he do this to me.

Word count 629

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