Get Your Head In The Game

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Under no circumstances would I ever confess, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching a bunch of sweaty, dirty football players rushing across the football field.

Dad had decided to be sure misery wasn't my only company tonight and tagged along, and even made the last second choice to bring Chris as well. The first quarter of the game I sat down with the school photographer and journalist, Emma, then moved back to my father and brother at halftime. It was during the second half that I found myself as enthralled with the game as my father was with every NFL game he watched on TV during the season. I shouted every time the ball was fumbled or intercepted, and I clapped and started bouncing in my seat excitedly when our boys started to take the lead.

My eyes found Layne in the center of the field as he huddled together with the rest of his team. After a moment he backed away and readied himself for the ball, and even from afar I could see he was shouting something to his teammates. In what felt like a split second, everyone in the crowd held their breath in anticipation, and just as one of our rival team's boys shot toward Layne to tackle him, he juked him and took off across the field. I let out the breath the moment he was over the line and spiked the ball and collapsed to his knees as all his friends and teammates dogpiled him.

The families of the visiting team started to file out with a cloud of resentment, but I couldn't fight the smile on my face. Dad, who was in his comfort zone, nudged me. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?"

"I did." I confessed with a laugh as he stood and fixed my brother's jacket. "But please don't tell anyone."

He made the zipping his mouth gesture and smile as he dropped his free arm over me and hugged me to his other side. I thought we'd head back for the parking lot, but Dad only waited out on the sideline as the cheerleaders started to pack up. It wasn't until the boys were jogging back out of the locker room a few minutes later that I realized Dad had stuck around just to talk to Layne.

"Hey, kid!" Dad slapped a hand against Layne's back with a prideful smile. "That was a great game. Hell of an ending too."

Layne, caught off guard by my father's praise and sudden interest in his life, looked to me for a second before his eyes were on my father again and he smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Cole. I appreciate it."

Layne and my father exchanged a few more words before Layne trained his eyes on me with a knowing look. "You totally enjoyed yourself."

"Pfft, as if."

He chuckled, then threw a quick look over his shoulder when one of his buddies called for him. "You should come to the party tonight."

"Party?" I repeated. "With you? Did Hell freeze over?"

He, wanting to maintain his good first impression with my father, only allowed his smile to falter slightly. "Come on, Miss Uptight. I think it'd be good for you."

My head immediately whipped in my father's direction, hoping that he'd see my look of desperation and bail me out with some quick witted, strict fatherly thing. Instead, he sided with the idiot beside him. "I mean, it wouldn't kill you to expand your circle of friends, Cass, would it?"

Of course, my father wouldn't understand what going to this party meant. He was the life of every party; he was Layne twenty years ago.

"It's not even really a party." Layne added as if it'd make a difference. "More like a kickback. It's just going to be the team, a few of them are bringing their girls, so you won't be the only chick there, Cassie."

I tried to open my mouth to find another smart response, but I hesitated. Because there was a chance, however small it may be, that Layne had my list. Sure, it'd been almost a week without a word about it said, but that didn't mean he wasn't secretly harboring it and maniacally planning my downfall.

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