Chapter Eight: Leaving the Nest

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The tension in the air was thick. Y/n sat there at the table with a nervous smile.

They were back in the winery in Diluc's office. It was an oddly professional setting for a casual talk.

It was casual right?

"Ahem." Diluc cleared his throat and placed the letter on the table. "You fought against the Fatui?" He asked while pointing to a line in the letter.

"Mmm...I don't think I wrote that. Aether is the one who fought the Fatui. Not me." She shook her head before pointing to the line in the letter.

"Fine, I'll give you that one, but that doesn't explain why you fought against a god and the abyss order."

"The whole fighting a god thing was really just me being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn't seek out that fight at all... it was pure coincidence! And with the abyss order... I fight the abyss all the time. You know, beating up some mages and stuff..."

"Something is telling me that it was more than that." Diluc peered into his sister's eyes unconvinced.

"..." Y/n broke the eye contact. "Maybe it was... but that's not important! I'm strong and I got out of it unscathed."

"It is important Y/n. What if you didn't get out unscathed? What if you got hurt?" Diluc's gaze was piercing Y/n's eyes, but she saw the concern that was in them.

"I didn't. That's all that matters. Don't stress yourself out thinking about the what ifs-" Before she could finish her sentence she felt the pain in her abdomen coming back, her medication was wearing off and she hissed in pain.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Her brother's tone was filled with worry.

"Nothing,'s nothing." She shook her head as she lightly gripped her lower stomach.

"It's obviously not nothing. Don't keep secrets, I can tell by the look in your face that you're hurting." He deadpanned.

"I have... a slight injury, but please let's talk about that later. Since you're so set on the contents of my letter, you saw the part about how two people remembered me from their past right?"

"How did you get hurt?" He asked, ignoring her request.

"A fight, obviously, but I really want to talk about the whole 'knowing people I don't actually know' thing. It's really been bothering me." She sighed.

"...Fine." He gave in albeit hesitantly.

"In Inazuma I met a third person who remembered me. He said we met 400 years ago." She stated.

"400 years, just how old are these people you're meeting... never mind that." Diluc shook his head. "What if you just have a familiar face, or an ancestor of some sort? It's completely plausible that you just resemble someone."

"That's the thing. I know that it wasn't just someone who looked like me. It was me. He made it very clear." Yara emphasized. "You know how when I was younger I'd wake up from nightmares all the time?"

"Yes... you'd always be crying about... dying."

"Exactly. I don't think those nightmares were just dreams. I think they were memories. I denied it myself at first but he mentioned something that I saw in my dream."

"Hm, I'm not sure if I fully believe that theory of your's but you should talk to the knight's librarian about that. I'm not knowledgeable in these situations."

"You're right! She studied in Sumeru at the Akademiya right? That's where Aether, Paimon and I are going next!" She smiled.

He looked at her for a brief moment before responding. "...Okay, well can you tell me about your injury. How'd you get it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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