Part 1

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A/N: Just a note for the timeline and stuff. This is set pre-enhancement and there is no Hope Shlottman.  Oh and Killgrave didn't get Malcolm to take pic of Jess. He hired someone else and Malcolm isn't a druggie.

(Y/N) was strolling the streets of Hell's kitchen hands in her jacket pockets trying to keep warm from the frigid night air. She was out to find a cheap food place to grab some grub before heading back to her shitty apartment. She turned the corner, eyes set on the Chinese takeout place across the road. Before she could make it across, a loud bang and a scream came from an alley just ahead of her. She wanted to ignore it and carry on but a whimper of pain and a cry for help made her stop in her tracks.

"Shit." She angrily turned on her heel and stomped over to where she heard the commotion. She rounded the corner into the alley to see a man holding out a gun, pointing toward another who was huddled up on the ground, holding one of his arms with the other, begging for his life.

"Hey!" (Y/N) yelled, getting the attention of both men.

"Leave, girl. Nothing to see here." The man with the gun sneered.

"Not happening." She stood her ground.

"Get lost before I shoot you too bitch!" The man turned his head to glare at her, never letting his gun from pointing at the other man.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked.

"I just felt like it. He looked like someone who would be so easily missed. Easy target. Now leave! Before I kill you too. Though, we'd have some fun before I do." The man said psychotically licking his lips hungrily as he glanced at her.

"So you kill for fun?" She confirmed.

"Yeah. It's fun! What's it to you!? I think I'll shoot you first. You're beginning to annoy me." The psycho turned his gun to point it at her. He pulled the trigger but before the bullet reached her, it deflected and flew into the wall beside her. She then floated off the ground in anger, hands clenched into fists at her side, glared at the psycho, and just tilted her head creepily. Next thing you know, The psycho lay there dead. He had shot himself in the head. She landed down on the ground again as the victim scrambled and ran away, scared for his life, looking terrified at her.

"FREAK!" The man shouted before running away.

"Fuck! Gee, thanks for your help." She screamed out in anger before sarcastically mocking the man she saved.

"Ugh. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I did it again!!! Shit!" She scolded herself. She was supposed to go incognito. But here she was. She just couldn't leave things alone. Always had to be the savior. She was a mutant you see. She has Tekenetic and Telepathic powers. She could compel others to do her bidding if she wanted, without even opening her mouth. Just one look at them and the deed is done. She sighed and took one last look at the man before she turned to walk away, only to be stopped by a British voice. It was a man dressed in a classy suit. It was too dark to neither see what color it was nor to clearly see his features.

"What a show! You're quite powerful. What was it? Some kind of manipulation?" The British man asked (Y/N), looking intrigued.

"Telekinesis and Telepathy actually. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get going and do me a favour. Forget me and everything you saw here." She put her hands back into her pockets before she tried to walk away.

"You'd like to come with me." The man said. Well, more like commanded.

"No, I wouldn't." She looks at him like he was crazy...

"You... you're immune?" He was shocked.

"To what?" She looked puzzled.

"My powers." He replied, still in shock. This girl was the first to ever be immune to his powers from the get-go.

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