Part 4

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Warning: Full-blown smut toward the end...ish...

It had been months since they had gotten engaged and true to what Kilgrave had offered, he joined (Y/N) on her mercenary jobs it made her job so much easier, allowing her to take on more jobs. She even managed to get a better payout due to Kilgrave's 'persuasion'. They were walking down the street holding hands and (Y/N) hugging Kilgrave's arm with the other that wasn't holding his hand, the both of them laughing and smiling widely as they talked about the reactions of their latest victim on their last job. Suddenly they bumped into someone and (Y/N) apologized. The person she had bumped into raised their head which was covered with a hoodie under a leather jacket and pulled their hands out of the said jacket to look at them.

"Jessica! It's nice to see you!" (Y/N) smiled at her.

"(Y/N), Kilgrave ... " Jessica greeted (Y/N) politely but gritted Kilgrave's name out still slightly unhinged with his presence.

"Jessica." Kilgrave greeted back.

"How've you been?" (Y/N) continued to talk to Jessica.

"I've been trying to move on. I'm cutting back on my drinking." Jessica replied.

"That's good Jessica. You really need to take care of yourself." (Y/N) was concerned for her.

"You don't hate me for what I did?" Jessica asked wearily.

"No, I understand why you did it. Frankly, in my opinion now, he deserved it." (Y/N) loudly whispered the last part to Jessica, making her laugh a little.

"Hey. I heard that." Kilgrave complained.

"You really have a beautiful smile Jessica. I really hope that you'll forgive Kilgrave one day and smile again." (Y/N) smiled at her as she reached up to cup Jessica's cheek.

"I'll try my best. Is that a ring I see on your finger?" Jessica noticed a shiny thing on (Y/N)s finger and her eyes shifted to look at Kilgrave's hand to find one on his finger as well.

"Yeah! We got engaged." (Y/N) proudly smiled as she showed off their rings.

"I can't believe that the ruthless control freak actually managed to get engaged." Jessica was in disbelief.

"Hey. I've changed alright. I finally found someone who'll love me for me and I wouldn't change that for the world." Kilgrave looked at (Y/N) lovingly.

"Wow. You really have changed. I've never seen you look so sappy. It's kinda creepy." Jessica shivered.

"I've been keeping a tight leash on him as I've promised that day." (Y/N) said to Jessica.

"So you have. No more killing I hope?"

"Oh.. we have, but before you go all hulk on us, I'm a mercenary and we only take out the real bad guys."

"Right. You know, you could be a hero. You've got the potential. I bet you'd be a better hero than I ever could." Jessica propositioned.

"Nope. I'm content where I am. Thanks."

"Suits you." Jessica shrugs.

"Hey Jess, I was wondering, If I invited you to our wedding, would you come?" (Y/N) asked hoping that she would say yes.

"Why not? I can see you've done him good. I'd be glad to attend your wedding. Just send me the invite. You know my address."

"Great! Thanks Jess!" (Y/N) happily lets go of Kilgrave's hand to hug Jessica, who was shocked but hugged back.

"Hey, what about me, love? I want a hug too." Kilgrave whined.

"Wow, (Y/N), I think you broke him. How on earth did you manage to turn him into a puppy? He's even whining now." Jessica was shocked at how out of character Kilgrave was being.

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