Part 3

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Warning: A little smut action.

They spent the next few days lounging around in the penthouse, taking turns to cook... Well...(In DTs famous way of saying it that makes people fall in love with him even more... or is it just me? lol) (Y/N) cooked and Kilgrave ordered Hank to get fancy takeout. But you get the point. Watched movies and cuddled up on the sofa, drank, and made out multiple times. They just couldn't get their hands off the other. By the time the hickeys faded enough to show their faces in public, they were practically joined at the hip.

They were cuddled up on the sofa watching a movie with two glasses of wine in front of them with (Y/N) nuzzled up against Kilgrave's side, arms wrapped loosely around his waist and her head leaning against his shoulder, while he played with her hair as he slumped against the back of the sofa with his long legs stretched out in front of him. They were dressed simply in comfy loungewear.

"Hey, how about we go out tomorrow? Since the marks have faded enough, I think it's about time we go out and be productive." Kilgrave suggested as the movie they were watching came to a close.

"Hmmm..." (Y/N) moans as she stretches. "I currently don't have any jobs lined up, So, sure! What do you suggest we do?"

"The sounds you make when you stretch, makes me want to take you right now." Kilgrave growls, eyes dark with lust.

"Horn dog." (Y/N) grinned.

"All for you my love." Kilgrave licked his lips trying to seduce her.

"I suggest you stop right there if you wanna keep your word and go out tomorrow." She warned.

"Oh alright. Cock blocker. How about we head down to the mall?" Kilgrave complained before suggesting.

"Sure. The mall it is."

"Hey, come with me for a moment." Kilgrave said as he stood up and held a hand out for her. She took his offered hand and got up, following him to their shared bedroom. She stood where he left her, which was in the doorway as he walked over to his bedside stand, drew open the top drawer, and pulled out a box before turning back to her.

"(Y/N), I wanted to give you this. Since the hickies are fading and you know how I am, I'm sure this would be the better option." He said as he opened the box to reveal a necklace with a diamond-encrusted K in the middle.

"Oh Kilgrave, It's beautiful. I love it already." She gushed and turned around, lifting her hair up so he could help her put it on.

"There." He said once he clasped the necklace on and placed his hands on each side of her shoulders. She moved toward the vanity and looked into the mirror with him following close behind.

"It's gorgeous." She admired and touched the necklace that now sits on her collarbone.

"Yes, you are." Kilgrave complimented.

"Thank you Kilgrave ."

"I think it's about time you started calling me by my name. Don't you think?"

"I love you, Kevin." She said as she turned around to pull him into a kiss.

"I love you too (Y/N). Frankly, I wanted to get you a ring, but I felt it was too much. I think I'd better save it for when the right time comes eh?" Kilgrave confessed.

"A ring? Well, I'm glad you decided to go with the necklace. Save the ring for a proposal to someone whom you're sure you want to spend your life with." She told him.

"You say it like it won't be you." He said.

"Kevin, I mean no offense, but you know how I am. I'm afraid of commitment. You've helped me with my powers and I'm stronger now. I am thankful for that but I try not to get my hopes up for anything I'm afraid of losing. I'm scared that one day you'll find someone else who intrigues you more than I do and leave me. I've been forsaken by the ones I love all my life. I'm afraid to fully trust again." She sadly said.

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