Part 2

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The next day, Kilgrave got up bright and early, preparing for his date with (Y/N) later in the day. He got dressed, sprayed on cologne, and checked his hair in the mirror. He made it a point to actually pay for flowers for her. He giddily made his way to her apartment and he reached her door at noon exactly. He knocked on her door nervously. Not a few moments later, she opened the door. There she stood, dressed in a purple flowy blouse, form-fitting dress pants, and white point-toe heels. A total 180 from the clothes she wore the previous night consisted of ripped skinny jeans, a band tee, a denim jacket, and Converse highs.

"Erm, Hi, is this (Y/N) place?" Kilgrave asked, unsure if he got the right place or if she lied to him.

"It's me Kilgrave ." (Y/N) giggled.

"(Y/N)? Oh wow. You cleaned up nicely. You look beautiful. Erm, Here, these are for you." Kilgrave nervously handed her the bouquet of flowers.

"They're beautiful Kilgrave. Are these purple peonies?" She asks as she admires them.

"Yes, they are. Do you like them?" Kilgrave asked.

"I love them. Thank you. Did you know they represent nobility and romance?" She said.

"Did they? I just picked them out because they were beautiful and they reminded me of you." Kilgrave said.

"Oh, you flatter me. How'd you know purple was my favorite color?"

"Is it? What a coincidence. It's mine too. It's like we were made for each other." Kilgrave flirted.

"Oh stop it. Oh, how rude of me. Would you like to come in while I get a vase for these?" She blushed before asking.

"Don't mind if I do." Kilgrave smiled as he was about to step into (Y/N) apartment when the elevator dings and opens to reveal a dark-haired woman stepping out without his notice.

"Kilgrave !" The woman came bounding down toward him, fist clenched, and punched him, making him go flying to the end of the hall. At the commotion, (Y/N) came running out of her apartment to see Jessica Jones, her neighbor beating up Kilgrave. All poor Kilgrave could do was beg for her to stop and shield himself with his arms.

"Jessica! Stop it! You're going to kill him!" (Y/N) screamed at Jessica as she ran over to them, trying to pull her away from Kilgrave.

"Go away (Y/N)! He's controlling you! That's what he does! He takes girls and controls them, making them dolls he could use to do his bidding." Jessica screams as she continues to punch Kilgrave.

"Stop Jessica! He's not controlling me! I'm immune!" (Y/N) pleads as she tries to pull Jessica away again, only to be pushed away so hard, she fell.

"That's it. I SAID STOP JESSICA!" (Y/N) got so angry she floated off the floor again as she lifted Jessica off Kilgrave using a telekinetic bubble.

"What the heck is this!? You have abilities too?" Jessica angrily tried to get out of the bubble.

"Too?" (Y/N) asked as Kilgrave scrambled to her side holding his bloody nose.

"She has super strength." Kilgrave told her in a slightly nasally voice due to his bleeding nose.

"(Y/N) please let me go. He's controlling you. You don't want to do this." It was Jessica's turn to plead.

"And I said he isn't. I told you, I'm immune! Do you want proof?" (Y/N) angrily said.

"Kilgrave, command me to smash my head against the wall." (Y/N) told Kilgrave.

"Okay. If you say so. (Y/N), smash your head against the wall." Kilgrave commanded. Jessica expected her to do it, but all she did was stay where she was and raised an eyebrow.

Somebody to love (Killgrave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now