~You're awake!~

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~Chapter one.~ 
~Part one:  Wisteria~

"Mhggghh..." I ground, tossing and turning, feeling as though I were laying on grass.. I open my eye, only a little, to see that I'm not in my bed, and I was actually laying, on grass, my eyes widened at this, and I shot up, I couldn't find my glasses, so i couldn't see too well, I could see enough though, I look around, before I feel a claw tap on my shoulder,

"AH!-" I yelped, jumping and turning to see who it was, I was greeted with a friendly smile, and a gentle wave, but, they didn't have arms, just, floating hands, they looked like an ice cream bar, I confusedly wave back, tilting my head, they were hovering over the ground, before landing, "You're awake! Hey there! My name's Borealis. you can just call me bory if you want! I know others do," the bar of ice cream said, they leaned down, putting one hand on one knee,

"Uhmmm.. hiii..." I reply, scratching the back of my head, "I'm Kiwi, where am I?" I ask, looking around, "well my friend-" "i'm not your friend.." .. "well you're in Wisteria! And so am I!" they said, putting both of their hands in the air, a blue hue trailing behind them as they flailed upwards, "Say, how'd you end up here? I just found ya laying here all by yourself," they said. grabbing something and handing it to me,

My glasses? "oh, thanks." I nod, taking my glasses and putting them on, I can see much better now, I blink a couple of times, before looking back at them "I don't know how I got here, I just.. woke up here," I inform, rubbing my head, before Borealis gasped "I just noticed something!" they said, pointing at themself, then me,

"We're both missing the same eye!" they say happily,  huh, I guess we are, "How'd you lose yours?" They asked me, as I stood up and dusted myself off. "Just born like this, what about you?" I Say, returning the question, "Oh, well it just sorta melted off, i'm getting meltier by the day, "

" 'meltier by the day'? How old are you even?" I asked, tilting my head once more, they tilted their head with me, so we were both looking straight at each other. "Sixteen!" They replied joyfully, bringing their floating hands close to themself, "But i'm sure magic will keep me alive longer, I mean, without it, I would have died 5 minutes after I was created, or would I just become a popsicle stick with hands legs,, hmm,," they thought to themself.

".. right, cool, i-" I get cut off by feeling a sharp sizzling sting on my arm, "augh- what was that?!" I winced, holding my arm, "Let me see, I bet I have an idea," They move my hand away from my arm, with me, worriedly watching, "Yuup! that's not good. acid rain, and I didn't even bring my umbrella." they shrugged. "Whatever, come on, let's go before it starts raining," they grabbed my arm and started dragging me along,

"Hey wait a minute- can't you just- I saw you floating when I woke up! can't you just- do that instead?" I ask, stumbling along as they dragged me, "My magic is only strong enough to hold up one person holding still, plus it's mentally and physically draining, come just hurry up!" they say in sort of a rush, I wouldn't blame them,

soon enough they pulled me into one of the many caves I seen littering  the land, this one wasn't too small, big enough for two objects to move around freely.. even if one of those objects were really big, wait- "Hey. why are you so big?" I ask. "Well it's not very nice to just blurt that question out like that," they said though the smile never left their face, "Wait not like that!" I wave my arms,

They chuckle. "I'm as big as I am because i'm a Brute! couldn't you tell by my clawed hands?"
"What the hell is a Brute" I ask, listening to the sizzling rain outside "and where is Wisteria, and why am I here, and can I please go home, and where is my home, and where do I come from and who did I know?" I ask, all the questions seeming to make them dizzy, "Woah slow down buddy, one question at a time, a brute is an object with beast like features,  Wisteria is in Wisteria, I do not know why you're here, and I can try to help you get home, and I can't answer the other questions," they wiped a bit of their melting self off of their forehead, as they finished. 

"All questions answered?" They ask. "Yup," I say, looking out the cave entrance, "How are all the plants not dying?" I tilt my head. eyeing the trees. "Well, they're made with special magic, that protects them from all the unnatural weathers," they explain, I look back at them "can't you like, I dunno, magic yourself up and go out there?"

I ask, crossing my arms. "It's not as easy as it looks," they chuckled "Magic like that I haven't even gotten CLOSE to mastering, it takes a long time," they look down at their hands with that same smile, that same smokey blue hue balling up in their hands, before they stretched it out, when it snapped from being stretched, it poofed like smoke, they smiled, seeming proud of it,

"What was that? I think I've seen you do that before, what does it do?" I ask, poking at  the foggy-smokey blue hue. "Oh it's nothin' fancy, it's just water manipulation, well, fog technically. my magic isn't strong enough to actually manipulate water as a fluid, but i'm actually working on my ice magic, so I can keep myself cool," They guide the blue foggy thing around, before pointing his hand at me, and cold fog covered my face. "wha-why-" I mumble. they chuckled, "you had a funny reaction," they smiled, 

I shake my head, rubbing my glasses lenses on my bowtie, "You're not bad I guess." I say looking back at them, they smiled brightly "Thanks! I try my best!" they look outside as well, "It's really comin' down, might wanna step back a bit," they say, grabbing my arm once more and pulling me away from the cave entrance. "Personal space," I pull my arm out of their grasp, and they waved their arms, "Sorry. sorry."

They apologize, "it's just dangerous, yanno? I mean, you're new here, it's sorta my responsibility to keep you safe since I found you," they explain, "don't think that's how that works, but, okay?" I tilt my head, "You're a silly guy," I say, looking outside, "How long does acid rain usually last?" I asked, "Depends, usually only a few hours, but, it's as unpredictable as actual rain, so,, we might be stuck here for a while,"

I sigh,  "Okay. i can deal, I don't have anywhere to go. so I'm in no rush," I shrug. they smiled. "That's a good way to look at it!"

A/N Dun, dun DUUUUNNNN, I have a super good feeling about this book, I think it's gonna come out great!

1205 words,,

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