~ Monster Lake, ~

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"Here's what I need you to do," It said, pointing at each paper, "There are a few people you can go to, I, of course, know the best! But, she lives suuuuuupper far away, at Suwannee. A. Mountain to be exact, " it points to a far away mountain, "i-" "WHAT!?" I barked, "THAT'S LIKE... A REALLY LONG DISTANCE FROM HERE!" "uh,, yeah, that's what i said,," it scratched its head, Borealis patted me a few times on the head. "Come on Kiwi! If she'll be the best at helping you, then shouldn't you take the chance? May be a while but, it'd be worth it, right?" They tilted their head at me, i let out a long, irritated groan, "Ughhhh what it with you and motivational speeches?"

i take off my glasses and rub them on my bowtie, before putting them back on, "It wasn't a motivational speech, it was, sort of,, just a suggestion," they shift their feet a bit, "Well suggestions normally don't take 30 years to sa-" i was cut off by Scroll, "Hey, do you wanna go or not?" It put its hands on it's hips, clearly irritated, "I Don't think complaining to Borealis is going to get you anywhere so make your choice quick," It pointed to the four papers, "besides, There are other people you can go to, they just won't be as efficient at helping, but it's your choice,"

i pick up the papers, looking at them all, "Hmm.. i guess we should try the closest first,," i say, Scroll takes the papers back, looking through them, before pulling one out. "The closest, His name is Blossom, he lives near the cave littered area of Brute fields!"... "what?" I look over at It, "Is something wrong?" it tilted its head at me, "you're saying, we could have spared this whole trip,, IF WE HAD JUST STAYED AT BRUTE FIELDS!?" I shout, Borealis shifted uncomfortably as I did, Scroll lifted one finger, "Technically yes-" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'TeChNiCaLlY' We LITERALLY could have spared the walking and Motivational speeches!"

I shot a quick glare at Borealis as I said that part, and they nervously shifted once more, before I looked back at Scroll, "IF WE STAYED WHERE WE WERE!" i complained, Scroll's brow furrowed, "Well if you have a problem with it then i obviously can't help ya, So suck it up or figure it out on your own," it crossed its arms, "So what's it gonna be? Want my help? Or are you gonna keep whining?" it looked me in the eyes, fixing its glasses. "I-.... fine," I mumble. "We'll go to Brute Fields, AGAIN." I tapped my foot, "And what do you do if he can't help you? I mean, I doubt he'd wanna with that attitude of yours,"

It said, fixing its bowtie, "Then we come back here, and I'll choose another one," I say. With a quiet huff, "Thought so,, Oh, and before i forget," it gestured Borealis to come closer, before whispering to them, They nodded stepping back, tapping their claws together, "Right, now you two get going, don't wanna waste any time do you?" It shooed us, waving its hands, oh, and Blossom lives in the more forest-y parts of the cave-y area, He's, literally the only pink tree there, can't miss em," it explained, Borealis nods, "Alright! Thank you, Scroll!" They thanked it, before they started walking away,

"He-Hey wait for me!-" I say, I started walking behind them, they had a little skip in their step, bobbing their head happily, and waving their finger as they did, "What's got you so happy?"
I ask, raising one brow, "Oh, Nothin', just thinkin' of a song," "Mhm," i nod, ...

"What are you thinkin' about?" They ask me, sounding genuinely curious. "Just about this Blossom guy, if he can't help us, then I'm gonna be PISSED" I cross my arms, "Hahaa... don't dwell on it too much! At least you'll get to spend more time with your ol' pal Borey!" they say in a sing song voice, " You're not my pal, and i'm not looking forward to spending more time with you, so i wanna make this as quick as possible," i rolled my eyes, "aha,,," they nod, tapping their claws together, "Wait, how are we gonna cross the river if Sol isn't there anymore?" I ask, "well... I can ATTEMPT to use my magic, but we might end up.. in the middle of the river, if I do that..."

"If you do that we could probably swim the rest of the way," I say. Trying to measure the river, even from this far away. "Aha, 'bout that... I sorta can't swim! Since I'd melt faster in water. I've always had to stay away from it!" they tap their claws again, "Whenever i'm able to fully master ice manipulation, i can learn! But.. that'll be a few years.." .. "You- can't-" I tried to hold back my snicker, "How- How old are you again?" I ask them, putting a hand over my mouth. "I'm Sixteen!" They said, "PFFT- PAHAHAHA-" i broke out laughing, my hand still over my mouth. "Come on, it's not my fault i'm an ice cream bar," they sighed,

"Hahah!" I wiped a tear from my eye. "Sorry but that was priceless. Hah!" they mumbled something, not sure what though "Anyhow, even if I could swim, it's called monster lake for a reason, I know it's just rumors, but I wouldn't wanna take my chances," they say. I look up at them. "I Know i'm new here, and you've been here way longer than i have, but, pretty sure that your fear is irrational, the more rumors spread the more messed up and obscured they get,"
I shrug, "I'm sure anyone who swims in there will be fine," I cross my arms "Well, actually, there have been recorded cases of people not coming back after playing in the river," they say. Lifting one finger,

"Well listen up. Mx. know-it-all. They probably either drowned or got lost."I shrug again, " I don't think so-" "Can you shut up for 5 seconds and stop worrying? We already established you aren't swimming, so don't worry your little head," I tug at their hand. "Let's just keep walking, we'll figure it out when we get there," they sigh and nodded,

~A Few, moments, later~

"Okkay, now how do we cross this thing..." I tap my foot in thought, "Hmm...wait a minute, you said you can do ice magic. Right?" I ask them, looking down at the glistening flow, "Well, yes, but if you're thinking I'll be able to freeze the water, then you'd be wrong, I have a hard time even freezing still water, let alone running water." they wave their hands around, a faint foggy trail following behind each one, "Well,, ice is just, cold water, right?" i ask, putting my hands on my hips "There's a difference between Cryokinesis and Hydrokinesis,," they tapped their foot,
"Not really," I shrug, "You should try anyways," I say, pointing to the river,

They sighed. "You know what, fine, i'll try," they walked closer to the river, holding their hands out, after a second of them focusing, they shrug. "Yeah no, not working, i mean, i could try freezing some of it like you suggested, bu-" They got cut off by a loud splash. And something had leapt out of the water, "WHAT THE FU-" i yelped, jumping back, Borealis doing the same, it looked like.. an anchor? With a looooooong chain tail, it let out a loud rumbling roar, Borealis had been paralyzed with fear, and, i was too, we both just started at it in shock, before.. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH-" Borealis had simply started yelling, i just stepped back, it was, really, REALLY big,, and had webbed claws, it's roar faltered to a low growl, while Borealis continued standing there in fear, I decided to slowly walk towards it,

"Whahhht arhe youh DoIhNg-" Borealis anxiously muttered, "Can it even talk..?" They asked nervously. "Yes i can talk and i'd rather not be called an IT" they barked, "HOLY-" both me and Borealis said at the same time, "Oh don't act so surprised, Nimrods!" They growled, "What're you trying to do to the river!?" they questioned, their chain tail lashing back and forth, making a continuous chime,

"We-We were just trying to cross it!" Borealis politely explained, i huff, crossing my arms,
"Oh..." They thought for a moment. "I Can help you cross, just stop trying to use magic on the river or i WILL bite you," It snarled, "What? Why" Borealis asked, tilting their head, "Reasons! Now let's go, you can ride on my head," They pointed to Borealis, before pointing to me, "You can hang onto my tail," i was apposed to the idea of hanging onto it's tail while it dragged me through the water, but i wasn't going to argue with this giant beast,

Me and borealis got ourselves situated on them, and they slinked back into the water, paddling across, only their eyes and up sticking out of the water,,,

After a while, we made it to the bank of the river, where they dragged us back on land, Borealis hopped off their head, and i simply let go of their tail, "Thank you Mister!" Borealis thanked the beast, i just shrugged and continued walking. Borealis waved to them and followed behind me, the Anchor waved, before slinking back into the water..

YAHHHH 1575 words!

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